The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
The pics are of the parents Sae, the Sour Kush and the Deep Blue, but not the offspring. Giggles from the 600 thread grew some of them. I'll looks the pics up and post em here when I find em.


Well-Known Member
no they didn't mate
of course they didn' was the wait it was stonemasons or maybe it was out own government *gasp* I think were onto something here!! Put on this tin foil hat n lets inform the world how we got it all wrong.


Well-Known Member
The pics are of the parents Sae, the Sour Kush and the Deep Blue, but not the offspring. Giggles from the 600 thread grew some of them. I'll looks the pics up and post em here when I find em.
Ahh ok no worries, was hoping for some offspring pics lol, has anyone got any pics of the offspring do you know?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin ell busy this morning man uust be like me and have fuck all to do Lol...well I'm off to physio in an hour think I'm gonna get some of that acupuncture treatment today suppose to be good like anyone else ever had it?


Well-Known Member
Fuckin ell busy this morning man uust be like me and have fuck all to do Lol...well I'm off to physio in an hour think I'm gonna get some of that acupuncture treatment today suppose to be good like anyone else ever had it?
Not personally had it done but know scores of people that have an every single 1 of them swears by it


Well-Known Member
of course they didn' was the wait it was stonemasons or maybe it was out own government *gasp* I think were onto something here!! Put on this tin foil hat n lets inform the world how we got it all wrong.
ummmmm very silly today r we relax...........ho ho


Well-Known Member
I've referred tto it as a pseudoscience before on here n was attacked lol so now ill let the link do the talking but if ur looking for a placebo effect then go for it.


Well-Known Member
ive had acupuncture in me ears, carnt say it worked much but think its one of them things you gotta want to work n believe in to get the most out off.


Well-Known Member
Yeh just read that interesting might give it a miss then and just get twisted up instead....lads I think Gary's sound I noticed he'd been on Fb yesterday think he just been a busy boy


Well-Known Member
This is the Sour Kush I used>>>

hash from above plant

You'll get more pics in here>
Trying to find a pic of the male but will need to get back to you on that.

@ DST I saw in another thread you said you had put some pics up of the Sour Kush x Deep blue somewhere, any chance ya can link me to em please as ive got some coming in the post n fancy seeing what they are like


Well-Known Member
Yes, I love accupunture, sends me to sleep. I also get Biopuncture which is a combination of accupuncture and homepathic medicine. Basically they inject you with needles that are as thin as accupuncture needles and the injections contain different treatments in them. Most of the homeopathic stuff the women I go to see uses is engineered in Germany. Before winter I was injected in my face to prevent getting colds and flu's and for the last year I have not had any problems. It's great for my crappy knees as well. It may be a placebo effect, but it seems to help me and my Insurance pays for 70% of the treatment so why not!

Fuckin ell busy this morning man uust be like me and have fuck all to do Lol...well I'm off to physio in an hour think I'm gonna get some of that acupuncture treatment today suppose to be good like anyone else ever had it?


Well-Known Member
Reading that thing prolapse put on has put me off a bit just because its my lower back and it said some patients get a worse pain after the treatment I wouldn't want that to happen...I mean he's pistol whipped me dipped me and flipped Lol proper rung me out and he's doing a good job tbh I was hoping the acupuncture would just be the last thing to make it that bit better....I'll aye a chat to him about him see what he thinks is best aye....I'll see if he can bang one in me pile and pop the bastard lmao


Well-Known Member
YEH ive had acupunture LOADS od times to my lower back, thinking of going for sum in next few days, fuking ace and like my man bak the said it sends u to sleep,

SOME gp surgerys offer it and ts free so maybe worth asking, im in agony at with this pregab reduction so im def thnking of going getting it dne,

down to 25mg in morning and 25mg at night, fuk me beats 500 twice a day fo sure fool!

and shawney the vallies are bang on mate, trully the real deal and not snides, thanx man


Well-Known Member
ive had acupuncture in me ears, carnt say it worked much but think its one of them things you gotta want to work n believe in to get the most out off.
freddy kruger lmfao, I was sceptical but intrigued so I booked myself in for 6 sessions ......u have to see the right person...deffo not some chink on the high st ffs, and well fuk me it was like the first risng rush of a good trip, I felt energy smashing up my spine into my forehead then ,,,Bang my whole body was frozen but charged and the sense of something very strong happening in my body, the therapist was impressed.....I didn't ask how it works cos it fukin aint to do with muscles or anything I could imagine......actually I stopped going and bought some needles and do it to myself......very interesting effects especially if u stick em in your face and head lol