Well-Known Member
reductio ad retardum.
obama is gonna put you in jail if you don't get on the welfare, don't ya know.
reductio ad retardum.
obama is gonna put you in jail if you don't get on the welfare, don't ya know.
reductio ad retardum redux.
If the court awards a judgement against you and you refuse to pay, that's jail time, bro.regale us all again with your story of $50,000 parking tickets.
i'm sure time will prove you to be an utter genius when thousands are jailed for obamacare fines.
If the court awards a judgement against you and you refuse to pay, that's jail time, bro.
Its the exact same across the entire western world.
If the court awards a judgement against you and you refuse to pay, that's jail time, bro.
Its the exact same across the entire western world.
the right just can't make up its mind.
on the one hand, you will go to jail if you don't let obamacare into your anus.
on the other hand, obamacare is gonna fail because there is no criminal penalty for noncompliance.
just pick a lie and stick to it already guys.
and bucky tries to change the subject one more time.
next stop: dick cheney and GWB's sadomasochistic gay torture orgies in the white house, and the young boys from thailand they smuggled into the country to serve as their gimps.
(~Air America radio talk whore "Rhandi Rhodes")
The Left doesnt say it's true, they just say "It's Out There" ~more horseshit from "Rhandi Rhodes"
who else was on "Air America" while "Rhandi Rhodes" was queefing out this calumny and much worse?
Rachel Maddow
Al Franken
Al Gore (not just a mouthpiece, he was also the president of the "network")
Robert F Kennedy Jr
Arianna Huffington (of "Huffpo" infamy)
Jerry Springer (bringing them his well recognized Gravitas and Integrity)
Cenk Uygur, with his patented brand of "journalism"
Ron "The Lefty One" Reagan Jr
and a bunch of other shitheels nobody ever heard of
I don't think ginwilly is racist. I think he is stubborn in his ways. Not unlike you or I.
KKKynes is pure racist. Finthere, is just Finthere, she's in a category all her own. Like finspoogy. Whom I would love to have his sister ride my erection.
I don't think ginwilly is racist. I think he is stubborn in his ways. Not unlike you or I.
KKKynes is pure racist. Finthere, is just Finthere, she's in a category all her own. Like finspoogy. Whom I would love to have his sister ride my erection.
I have a severe dislike for people who look at another group of people and say "you need our help, you can't do it without us". It's the height of arrogance.
oops, somebody must identify with that arrogance and took offense.
sorry man
i have a severe dislike for people who build racist strawmen and loaded assertions and then label their opponents with them at the same time they make very racist statements themselves. it is the height of douchery.
what does any of this have to do with the fact that the right has two irreconcilable narratives going on simultaneously?
on the one hand, we've got rabid racist douchebags like saying obama is gonna force you onto welfare or send you to prison (lulz).
on the other hand, we've got tame bigoted morons like ginwilly saying obamacare will fail because there is no way to enforce the
fine, and we all know how people just love to break laws that are easy not to break.
you can chase your rhandi rhodes bunnies all day, i've never heard of her. but don't try to pretend like your little distraction has jackshit to do with the fact that the racist right can't pick a lie and stick to it.
You really don't understand how the "this or that" paradigm works?
This = under Obamacare, if you don't comply, you will be fined, refusal to pay fines has historically resulted in jail time..
That = Obama has said he won't enforce the penalty for noncompliance. Therefore, how can the thing be propped up.
You see, they aren't both working at the same time, it's one or the other, not both at the same time.
Then some simpleton like you comes along, a useful idiot for the left, and can't comprehend the "this or that" nature of the two points, and just assumes that people think both will happen.
i have a severe dislike for people who build racist strawmen and loaded assertions and then label their opponents with them at the same time they make very racist statements themselves. it is the height of douchery.