NWO Takin' Shape?


Well-Known Member
What does everyone think about our controlled government pushing our country to this setting??? It is happening.


Well-Known Member
I think you will love it or learn to love it.You/me have no say, we will run onto these forums thinking that we are going to change the world.
Set back and enjoy the show, is all we can do.


New Member
If I were an insider, an elite, I would see some very definate advantages to a One World Government. Not just advantages of power, but advantages for Mankind as well. The problem is, utopian ideals usually end in gross failure when put into practice.



Well-Known Member
I agree that it is currently taking shape. Does anyone think they are using 2012 as a date to enact many of their new policies??? I hear the new Pentagon will be completed that year.


Well-Known Member
2012 is when the Myan and Sumarian Calendars end.
That is also the year when Planet X (Nebaru) is supposed to be headed strait for planet earth. To be exact, 12 - 21 - 2008. (actually it will be a near miss)

Christians will say that say that it will be the Rapture (although the word Rapture is not mentioned in the bible) is happening. The gravity from Nebaru will cause an anti-gravitational event. The Chipping and all will start before the year 2012.

Shit's fixing to get weird over the next few years.

I will say one thing, neither Conservatives or Liberals will slow down or stop the upcoming events.
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Well-Known Member
damn, i didnt think anyone else knew about the 12th planet. Yea its a planet which orbits the sun but only comes around like every 5k years. there's a whole lot of silly shit gonna be going down... starting on 8/8/08. Theres a really interesting book about it called The 12th Planet by zechariah sitchin, its no joke, the sumerians knew and they were the first known civilization on earth.


Well-Known Member
2012 is when the Myan and Sumarian Calendars end.
That is also the year when Planet X (Nebaru) is supposed to be headed strait for planet earth. To be exact, 12 - 21 - 2008. (actually it will be a near miss)

The Chipping and all will start before the year 2012.

Shit's fixing to get weird over the next few years.
You learn something new everyday... Planet X..... :mrgreen:

When you say chipping your referring to "Vchiping"?




New Member
in case you haven't noticed, shit's been getting weird for quite some time - or maybe it's just me.
Know what's really weird? Americans are just standing idly by and accepting the two presidential candidates offered as though there is something good about one over the other, and as if we have no other choices. Now that, in my estimation, is some weird shit. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Know what's really weird? Americans are just standing idly by and accepting the two presidential candidates offered as though there is something good about one over the other, and as if we have no other choices. Now that, in my estimation, is some weird shit. :blsmoke:

Sign me up for the revolution!:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
I have an experiment for anyone who wants to paticipate...Don't Vote & see what happens. I'll bet money that I don't even have that Barack Obama is our next president. I don't understand why people feel they have to chose the lesser of two evils. You can just not vote & chose love. Do you somehow think that if noone voted that we wouldn't have a president...NO...the president would just be picked for us by Congress - explain that.


Well-Known Member
im starting believe less and less in voting over the years. the last time i felt like my vote even counted a shred was 1996. it seems like america prior to the new millenium was a much different place. we used to stand for something. now we fall for a value meal.

i started to notice after y2k shit has been downhill.. music and TV has been dumbed down to irrational levels. people believe anything they see on TV and read in the paper. we have so much shit we cant even pay attention anymore.. kids need pills to pay attention. have we been created to be this way. born and bread to be like little worker ants.i really think so. we have been trained to be fearful little puppets and why? so the minority can control the majority.

i bet the biggest banker on earth doesnt watch jerry springer or eat at mcdonalds.
i wouldnt be surprised if the guy who owns coca cola doesnt drink coca cola. we know that shit is poison. but we drink it anyway? why? we have been trained to. they make great tasting poison dont they? we have been trained to live on high fructose corn syrup and low calorie ranch dressing. we have the worst diets and lifestyles and we theres a reason for that. population control

what it boils down too is that when you think about it. TV radio and even the internet werent made for our entertainment. they were made to help control the masses
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Well-Known Member
NWO has been established. just so happens that the masses are beginning to realize that shit is going down. People are beginning to realize that America isnt the America it used to be... its being sold to the highest bidder. Public funded toll roads being sold to international companies. Blueprints for a North American Union. Freedoms, the very backbone of this country, being FORCEFULLY taken away. I mean, "the constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper" anyways right? The plans have been there... were just now beginning to see this shit implemented on a wide scale. And im just tapping the tip of the iceberg.
It really sounds like crazy talk... but this shit comes from actual documents released through the Freedom of Information Act. I mean these people aren't playing, cops in ny roaming the streets in FULL riot gear, i mean fully loaded machine guns! Concentration camps... ugh!!!
Let me stop before i get too emotional and type a LONG ASS post nobody is gonna read.


Well-Known Member
NWO has been established. just so happens that the masses are beginning to realize that shit is going down. People are beginning to realize that America isnt the America it used to be... its being sold to the highest bidder. Public funded toll roads being sold to international companies. Blueprints for a North American Union. Freedoms, the very backbone of this country, being FORCEFULLY taken away. I mean, "the constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper" anyways right? The plans have been there... were just now beginning to see this shit implemented on a wide scale. And im just tapping the tip of the iceberg.
It really sounds like crazy talk... but this shit comes from actual documents released through the Freedom of Information Act. I mean these people aren't playing, cops in ny roaming the streets in FULL riot gear, i mean fully loaded machine guns! Concentration camps... ugh!!!
Let me stop before i get too emotional and type a LONG ASS post nobody is gonna read.
I'm reading. :mrgreen:

It looks like you have done your homework too.... Keep making noise, we need to keep propagating the truth wave REVOLUTION:mrgreen:

Information is the truth that will set us FREE!

