Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
Think i have the same pen as shwag. Only i rinse it of in rainwater and leave it to dry. adjust once a week or every other.. Ph pen


Well-Known Member
Cool. I will stay hopeful.

...and Bass, do not feel too bad, as I also have a meter that
seems to require me to take a class to fully understand.

It is a TDO meter (Total Dissolved Oxygen).

I got it for the cost of a pH meter, as it was sent to me by
Amazon by mistake. I reported it, but they never responded
for some reason, and so I just re-ordered the pen I wanted.

Another thing that will really rock when I get to hydro.

...but, honestly, I ought to be checking my compost teas,
so see if my stone + waterfall is adding enough O2 to my



Well-Known Member
i bought the red hanna meter does ph and temp, i paid like 120 for it and had it 2 years and already put 2 replacement probes in it talk about junk, my 35malwalkie is still working like 5 years old, i even email hanna with no luck


Well-Known Member
for sure i thought it was a good meter at first its waterproof but it kept fucking up and those replacement probes ant that cheap either and u know me im a cheap fucker hahahaha try to streeeeeeeeeeectch my money


Well-Known Member
You guys are confusing the hell out of me here lol. One second we're talking ppm's then we're talking about a PH pen.

EC meter measures PPM, PH pen measures PH.

I store my EC meter dry and calibrate every few uses (don't use that often either).

I store my PH pen in alternating each use between PH 4.01 or 7.0 and calibrate every single time I use it.

JD makes the most important point.

If you don't calibrate your meters regularly, you may as well not waste your time using them lol.
I have a combo meter
temp, ec/ppm, and and ph in one

I have callibrated mine, but dep on how I callibrate it the 400ppm I might be shooting for could read 250-600ppm dep if I go .50 or .70 conversion, and 0% to 3% co-efficient or whatever.

I have mine to .70 and 2% not sure if thats right, but really unsure why there isnt just a set place so everyone gets the same result from same nutes in r/o for example???

2nd edit

anyway the nutes I phd straight from tap were ph'd to 5, by last night measured 6, and finally this morning 7+ all this based on the drops and the color chart on bottle


Well-Known Member
Wow...pH increasing....well, my carbonic acid theory fails.


BTW: I have not dealt with those sort of meter conversions, yet.



Well-Known Member
same thing i thought ppm parts per million and ec is a electro current of reading the total disolved solids, im not a 100 percent but i always say ppm


Well-Known Member
Wow...pH increasing....well, my carbonic acid theory fails.


BTW: I have not dealt with those sort of meter conversions, yet.

your theory may be valid if the plant is uptaking nutrient faster than water, in that case ph would go towards nuetral correct?
I believe this is what you want, for pH to slowly rise, this means you don't have to top-up or add anything for a week (unless running bennies)
sounds like your setup works great

I like PPM because you are allowed more precision when adding several things

example ec 1.5 on 700 scale would be 1050PPM, but what would 1000 PPM be on ec scale?
just saying, it allows a little more adjustment.
heavy feeders you could go to 500 scale or light feeders could be on 700 scale

i hope i make sense lol


Well-Known Member
1.46788 or something lol :)
My meter works with 4 digits not just 1.5 so its 1500. So you can actually adjust more on the ec scale wich is 2000 when ppm is 1000. Cant see any benefit of continuing ppm compared with ec tbh


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought that it all made sense, but that
graphic suggests that a fixed EC corresponds to different
PPMs in different meters.


Let me study this. It should not require explaining.



Well-Known Member
hahahaha to much math in this one for me, i just know my nute chart is in ppm so that why i got a ppm meter, but hey im all about learning


Well-Known Member
Dont you have a mode button on it bigworm? Thats where i change from ec to ppm and vice versa. I can choose to go with the .5 or .7 ppm scale but still cant see why compared to ec.


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought that it all made sense, but that
graphic suggests that a fixed EC corresponds to different
PPMs in different meters.


Let me study this. It should not require explaining.

Yeah the ppm meters work on different scales. Seems stupid. Must be some logical reason? Like .5 in us and . 7 in eu lol


Well-Known Member
Wow i missed a lot here.

I dont know how to switch my meter to EC lol.

Ill read up some more...all I have found is ppm and (µS) what ever that is??

PPM from tap water is 182 right now so the lower number last night was either temperature related or just meter error