List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

Turn off your tv and head out to the real world once in a blue; it will help you differentiate between reality and fantasy.

You should really look into who I am and what I do. I am all over the net and with pics. Don't worry yourself so much. You are just one of the many who are predesignated to be a coward. I on the other hand, am not. I will bookmark this page and come back to it once we release our Mexican lines.

In fact, There are photos here on this site of my Oaxacans and Michoacans. Any idea how someone who lives in a fantasy world would come to possess something that no other breeder possesses?

Let's take a look....Pure Highland Oaxacan Gold....Wouldn't you like to be my neighbor?


It just about takes someone going full retard to go into the fields and recover the strains that I did considering the penalty for being caught. So yeah, I went FULL retard all through Mexico.
You should really look into who I am and what I do. I am all over the net and with pics. Don't worry yourself so much. You are just one of the many who are predesignated to be a coward. I on the other hand, am not. I will bookmark this page and come back to it once we release our Mexican lines.

In fact, There are photos here on this site of my Oaxacans and Michoacans. Any idea how someone who lives in a fantasy world would come to possess something that no other breeder possesses?

Let's take a look....Pure Highland Oaxacan Gold....Wouldn't you like to be my neighbor?

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It just about takes someone going full retard to go into the field and recovers the strains that I did considering the penalty for being caught. So yeah, I went FULL retard all through Mexico.

Now that's some airy bud.
Want to guess what part of the plant that came from? Hate on hater. I try every day to acquire a new hater. Today, that person is you.

I am going to guess you have done nothing but smoke weed others created for you right? I thought so. Hater list for you too. Next....
LOOKS like you needed at least another week to finish them off least the first 3 pic's. Some nice color's though.
Some super airy bud. Not sure if he's trolling or srs

Perhaps the super airy nature is why we have received more than 500 emails wanting to buy them now. I don't know if it is because this strain is the grandfather of blueberry or because people simply want it. Either way it spells money.
Wow el tiberon you sound hardcore! Gee whiz...... Gosh i hope i never see you in a dark alley. I figure your either A) a liar or B) an idiot, probably both tho. You have fun trollin the net and slangin dubs at the liqour store, leave the real work to the grown ups. Good luck lil buddy! :)
People like you hate on anything you know you can't do yourself. Either you have researched me to confirm my words and are hating or you haven't and are hating. I am VERY easy to find and confirm.

That being said you should stop hating. It will shorten your life span. Find enjoyment in your own accomplishments even if it is only making the block fit into the square hole in under 30 seconds.
That is the key. You have not had to force the hand of someone who went full retard and decided to test you. My reputation precedes me so I don't have these issues.

I've been ripped off before. But people with brains rarely have to use violence. There is almost always another way.

Richard Lee once gave me a very valuable piece of advice on how to be successful in this business. He said "Only break one law at a time". Meaning if you're going to grow/sell, don't do anything else wrong. It's those other things which will end up to be more trouble.

Lots of people in this business lie, cheat, steal, use violence, etc. Some achieve temporary success but none ever last. If you want to make it to the top and stay there the ONLY way to do it is to treat it like an honest business instead of gangster drug dealing. If you approach this business like a gangster you'll go out like a thug. You won't last.

At this point I'm pretty much on top. I got there by always living up to my agreements, never stealing or cheating, being fair, and staying away from thug behavior. Because of that everyone knows my word is good, everyone knows doing business with me = everyone earns money. Now I get to pick and choose who I do business with.

The moral of the story is that if you're looking to get quick cash and exit the business then act like a thug. If you're trying to achieve economic stability in the business then act like a professional. I've been around for a long time. 95% of the people who were in this business just a few years ago are all gone. Most of them are gone because they tried to take shortcuts to success. They tried to get over on people or they used violence which attracts police.

You have to ask yourself if a few hundred bucks is really worth the potential negative consequences of using violence. Sometimes you're better off to just let it go and take it as a lesson learned.
I am quite sure I would because it was the way I was taught to handle things in Mexico. If you steal from me, you get dealt with. No questions asked and your account will be settled. I have seen a family of 3 executed over a 125 dollar debt.

Cant tell if im in business thread or I am watching scarface...

You must have all the bitches checkin your dougie.
Perhaps the super airy nature is why we have received more than 500 emails wanting to buy them now. I don't know if it is because this strain is the grandfather of blueberry or because people simply want it. Either way it spells money.

I'm sure your winning personality is what really sells it.
You should really look into who I am and what I do. I am all over the net and with pics. Don't worry yourself so much. You are just one of the many who are predesignated to be a coward. I on the other hand, am not. I will bookmark this page and come back to it once we release our Mexican lines.
true land race mexicans are some of the kind ,first strains grow in hawaii were of mexican orgins . they are some of the great strains of hawaii
In fact, There are photos here on this site of my Oaxacans and Michoacans. Any idea how someone who lives in a fantasy world would come to possess something that no other breeder possesses?

Let's take a look....Pure Highland Oaxacan Gold....Wouldn't you like to be my neighbor?

View attachment 2969743View attachment 2969744View attachment 2969745View attachment 2969746

It just about takes someone going full retard to go into the fields and recover the strains that I did considering the penalty for being caught. So yeah, I went FULL retard all through Mexico.
the first strains grown in hawall were of mexican orgins