BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.


Well-Known Member
Are they causing any damage?
Slice a spud and put it on top
of the pot to see how bad they
are. The larvae are attracted to
spuds and you'll see them on it
if its a bad infestation. your plants
look fine to me. What do the
older leaves look like?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i guess they must be, if i dig about in the coco, there's fucking loads of them. though i rarely see a fly!? I'll try the spud thing all the leaves look fine n dandy, no visible damage whatsoever. weird eh?!


Well-Known Member
I hate the fuggers.
I've had them twice from bags of "Canine Ranch Large-Expanse-of-Water Woods" (FFOF), and I had to come at them from all angles.
Letting the soil go dry between waterings, Neem oil sprays (plant & soil), sticky traps, and constant pyrethrin S&D missions.
Kept them under control until harvest time, thankfully.


Well-Known Member
guessing you don't have close neighbours. round my way folks would notice me going in and out of the shed every day lol
You can't even see my house from the road more less the shed. I live in the middle of 2 big lakes that are undeveloped because it's a big city water supply. Due to this you have to have some special green septic system so nobody really spends the money to move up on my hill. Last year I had over 20 plants on my property and didn't even phase me. The down fall was when my house burnt down there was no neighbor to call fire department so by time they got here it was all ready demolished.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yup that's basically what i'm doing and i'm holding my own just about but i can't be arsed to do this full time. and i can't afford to halt the perpetual and start over.

i don't quite follow the FFOF thing though doobs?!?


Well-Known Member
Damn... just had a horrible thought:

How fucked would it be to have thrips gouging the tops of the leaves, mites attacking the leaves from the undersides, 'pillars muching through the leaves sideways, and fungus gnat larvae snacking away on the roots...
... all at the same time.
I almost made myself puke.
I need a toke.
And a hug.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
You can't even see my house from the road more less the shed. I live in the middle of 2 big lakes that are undeveloped because it's a big city water supply. Due to this you have to have some special green septic system so nobody really spends the money to move up on my hill. Last year I had over 20 plants on my property and didn't even phase me. The down fall was when my house burnt down there was no neighbour to call fire department so by time they got here it was all ready demolished.
damn man, pro's and cons in the extreme :shock: guessing you've put some failsafe's in place now?


Well-Known Member
lol someguy, where i am in sunny ol' blighty i'd have to pay to heat the shed!
Don thats what I thought. I live in the freezing North East on a big hill. I have a heater in there and as of yesterday it has ran for only 15 hours total in 2 months. I actually have to suck heat out of there at times. I use my light schedule and booster fans to heat and it works better than I ever hoped. The heat is pretty hot out of 3 600. I did insulate everything real good even the floor. My biggest mistake so far was not putting in a whole shed exhaust to get rid of the extra heat. I didn't think this to be an issue till summer.

Don yea we put some things in place. It was a propane explosion so we use all electric and the gf only allows me to buy 1 gallon of gas at a time. If only she knew how I made my wax.


Well-Known Member
That reminds me: I need to look into getting one of those automatic fire extinguishers for the garage when things are running at full steam.



Well-Known Member
I hear you.

I get it, I pop it, but only one bean per breed at a time. :0)

So, I have Engineer's Dream, Deep Psychosis, ED X Deep Blue,
also popped, along Smelly Cherry's second try (the only BB male so far)

In fact, I up-potted Sour Cherry #2 to a 5 gallon hempy just yesterday.
This is graduation for a plant and positions it for the flowering tent,
and I only number females....i.e. I am 2/2 for Sour Cherry, female-wise.

The Cheese Surprise was a gift and I am very happy with its setup.
It got a very long Veg time and so it should do nicely.

Take care,


Here are some shots:

View attachment 2962604

As you can see, I needed a lot of Veg work, so these are going to make roots
while they plan my demise after making stumps out of them. I will shoot
for 8 tops probably.

Ten hempy 5 gallons and a BST are all my closet can fit...well, with a little left over:
View attachment 2962605

The Sour Cherry is on two HD buckets!
View attachment 2962606

This is Cheese Surprise...from nine days newer photo:
View attachment 2962608
Cant wait to watch this run mate, ive done a few bb grows abnd nevet had a bad pheno from any of the seeds. My fav was proob. My DOG s1, but the les talked about strains wrtr all great too. I.e Q.Q, CHEESR SUPRISE. Happy hunting


Well-Known Member
Gnats do suck! I used lots of tactics to battle them, but what I found that worked best is 2-3" of EWC, sand or perlite on the top of the soil. I prefer EWC and it worked for me. It dries fast and isn't conducive to their breeding. Give that a shot in conjunction with a drench and traps. Maybe you can interrupt their breeding cycle long enough to exterminate them!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Gnats do suck! I used lots of tactics to battle them, but what I found that worked best is 2-3" of EWC, sand or perlite on the top of the soil. I prefer EWC and it worked for me. It dries fast and isn't conducive to their breeding. Give that a shot in conjunction with a drench and traps. Maybe you can interrupt their breeding cycle long enough to exterminate them!
i'm going to give them a top coat of DE tonight, i mix into my coco anyway but mustn't be enough. what's EWC?


Well-Known Member
Earth Worm Castings.

I tried DE too....watching the fuckers cavort on the stuff kinda pissed me off. :0)

I also concluded that "Go Gnats" is actually a cheer, intended to spur them on.

Neem the soil, traps for the adults. Nematodes are excellent if using soil. They
will prevent an infestation all by themselves, but traps for the occasional escapee
are always a good idea.

Thanks for the good word CGG. I am really enjoying the BB breeds. They are
quite lovely in Veg, and I am just beginning to see what they can do in flower.

There is this odd period while they sort things out, but the Dog, SC, and CS all
have a couple of weeks now.

So far I have two SC females, one Dog, and one CS.

I have ED, EDXDB, DP as sprouts and my second try at Smelly Cherry just left
the seed tray. Oh, and my second PK should show sex soon.

...but no QQ yet! :0)



Well-Known Member
i'm going to give them a top coat of DE tonight, i mix into my coco anyway but mustn't be enough. what's EWC?
EWC is earth worm castings. It worked great for me as long as I could go 2-3 days between watering. Treating before they are outgrowing their container size would be best. It dries out and gets nice and crusty.

DE may help, but I wouldn't expect miracles from it if you have a nasty infestation. Although I think DST had some success with DE in the past?

Keep pluggin!


Well-Known Member
You must just about be ahead of them if
there isn't any damage. I treat for everything
even though I've got nowt. I get mite predators
and thrip predators, nematodes and gnat off.
I use oxy plus anyway. I am not even sure
nematodes work in nft but i ain't losing 65%
of a crop again for the sake of ten roubles.

Have you had a real close look at one?
If they have two antennas and seem to
jump on water they might be harmless
(but horrible) springtails