BB: DOG KUSH GROW OFF!!! Mans best friend, all welcome.

I finnally found this seed i had stashed away wrapped in a paper, its a Liver's or Exodus Cheese that had this one pip in a pre-flower right under the cola. Only one, and there was never a male plant in that tent or the room for that gaff for that matter. Only thing i can think of is when i grew the couple DOG selfie's as one had a few nanner's that i pulled. I'll pop it in to go and hopefully get a nice cheese suprise :)
Hope my dog ends up like that :) They do look alike. Just need to fill out. Should do that with almost 4 weeks left.
Do you remember what day you took her down? Soil grow or hydro?

It would have been around 9 weeks, grown in coco. It will take all week, but i'll get round to visiting everyone's grow. ' Looking forward to it '
Well boys I finally got some blue pit and dog BX going. They are in solo's now. It'll probably be a month or two before I can squeeze them into the tent. Looks like I won't have anything to show for til May(ish).

Urban that pit looks nice.
Nice JD. All these pictures of the dog makes me want some...LOL I am already working on enough other stuff right now though. You keeping it around? After having some I can tell you its a keeper.
Well, I got a pack, along with about six other BB breeds :0), and so
I will keeping the best as I go through them.

I am excited to have put a Sour Cherry and a Cheese Surprise into the
tent along with The Dog. It should be fun.

Both of those sound good. I like cheese and cherry... :) The ED and DP from BB is looking good. I think I am at 4-5 nodes on all the little ones. Hopefully we get a girl of each.
I hear you.

I get it, I pop it, but only one bean per breed at a time. :0)

So, I have Engineer's Dream, Deep Psychosis, ED X Deep Blue,
also popped, along Smelly Cherry's second try (the only BB male so far)

In fact, I up-potted Sour Cherry #2 to a 5 gallon hempy just yesterday.
This is graduation for a plant and positions it for the flowering tent,
and I only number females....i.e. I am 2/2 for Sour Cherry, female-wise.

The Cheese Surprise was a gift and I am very happy with its setup.
It got a very long Veg time and so it should do nicely.

Take care,


Here are some shots:


As you can see, I needed a lot of Veg work, so these are going to make roots
while they plan my demise after making stumps out of them. I will shoot
for 8 tops probably.

Ten hempy 5 gallons and a BST are all my closet can fit...well, with a little left over:

The Sour Cherry is on two HD buckets!
SourCherry#1 Lifted.jpg

This is Cheese Surprise...from nine days newer photo:
Cheese Surprise 1.jpg
forgot to report in that my blue pit has shown her female parts.....i swear i rarely get a male anymore. Even when i thought i had one turned out to be a female (heri).

worse problems in life to have i suppose.
I hear you.

I get it, I pop it, but only one bean per breed at a time. :0)

So, I have Engineer's Dream, Deep Psychosis, ED X Deep Blue,
also popped, along Smelly Cherry's second try (the only BB male so far)

In fact, I up-potted Sour Cherry #2 to a 5 gallon hempy just yesterday.
This is graduation for a plant and positions it for the flowering tent,
and I only number females....i.e. I am 2/2 for Sour Cherry, female-wise.

The Cheese Surprise was a gift and I am very happy with its setup.
It got a very long Veg time and so it should do nicely.

Take care,


Here are some shots:

View attachment 2962604

As you can see, I needed a lot of Veg work, so these are going to make roots
while they plan my demise after making stumps out of them. I will shoot
for 8 tops probably.

Ten hempy 5 gallons and a BST are all my closet can fit...well, with a little left over:

The Sour Cherry is on two HD buckets!

This is Cheese Surprise...from nine days newer photo:

How do you handle the watering of those on carpet? Not that the carpets looking stellar but its obvious you aren't letting it just run over :)
How do you handle the watering of those on carpet? Not that the carpets looking stellar but its obvious you aren't letting it just run over :)

LOL, I have 16" saucers, the flimsy crap type that HD sells for cheap.

I have dealt with this carpeting while picking up mycology, and there
the need for cleanliness is more urgent. I do try to control what goes
into the tent, as I do not want to have to deal with bugs once in flower.

Well on carpet I could see those working out longer. In a heavier bucket on concrete they just crushed and mine were leaking in days. That's when I went for the ones I have now.
Yeah i grow on carpet too and its a little rough. On one hand you never have to mop up a spill cause its one big sponge. But on the other hand i have to steam clean the carpet once or twice a year and vacuum well after transplanting. Usually go a yearly room clean where i tear down everything wipe everything down with bleach and steam clean the floor. Its a little more work than a concrete floor but works pretty well. Havent had any bad bug problems though.

My HTG saucers have held up pretty well. Change those every 6 months to a year due to salt build up or cracks.
Yeah, I got the same saucers, for the tent, and I just shop vac out the runoff

Not a perfect solution, but workable for now.

...and I hope that they last a few years at least. I do worry, as my hempys
get pretty heavy when watered. They were not cheap! (as you know)

my gf made me put plastic sheet down over the room before i put the tent up in it and i have to say it's saved my bacon several times! ironically i never have run off either lol.
if my gf was smart she would have demanded the same...even worse i forgot my spill tray in the tent so i dont feel like taking the ladies out to put it on
I know that feeling. I've been putting off changing the bulb in my cooltube for the same reason. now the plants have grown into their space it'd be like a jigsaw puzzle trying to get them back in lol.
my gf made me put plastic sheet down over the room before i put the tent up in it and i have to say it's saved my bacon several times! ironically i never have run off either lol.

Mine has never even stepped foot into my room or even looked into the door(due to severe anxiety and doesn't want to know but loves the results) , but insisted I put a tarp that goes wall to wall. Now in my shed I don't give a sheit. I used weather resistance plywood on my floor and figure when its shoot I'll replace with new. I'm guessing about 5-7 years.

My dogs and blue pits are looking nice. I plan on putting them into their final resting spot monday to give them time to fill in a little more before I flip them. Hopefully I'll have my card reader fixed by then and post some pics of these lovely ladies.