U.S. Job Growth Slows Sharply


Well-Known Member
you claimed support for obamacare was dwindling, when it has been steady for months and years. LIE.

you claimed i said obamacare was over 50% (you also claimed chesus said obama was gonna legalize). BOTH LIES.

you claimed that obamacare was at 35%, which was a massive outlier. LIE.

you claimed that because obamacare was over at 50% at one point and now it's not, that made your claim about obamacare's current popularity dwindling was correct. LIE.

you claim that strategic defaults are not good business sense and a form of theft. LIES.

LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES. that's all you have. short on facts, long on lies.

edit: but at least you got a like from a known white supremacist. :clap:
lmmfao@ ur edit omg!!!!!!hahahahahahaha ...... frequently the funniest posts I read on here are yours... lolol


Well-Known Member
Dig that hole, you are bound to get out of it eventually.

Support IS dwindling whether you admit it or not. I showed more than just one article, I purposefully grabbed them from left leaning sites, are they all outliers?

I said I thought that was who made that claim and if it wasn't I apologized. I was man enough to admit if I was wrong then I'm sorry, you are not man enough to accept it. Dig Dig.

I said to Cheesus " I THOUGHT you predicted O would legalize next term". I wasn't going to go back and sift through an old thread, so I went directly to the source and asked him. Do you remember his answer? It was "well he kinda did". That left me believing I remembered correctly. If he had said, no, I didn't make that claim I would have said OK, my mistake. Now that the thread is bumped I see that's not what he said. My track record shows that's what I do, yours shows you run and hide and start a new belligerent thread. Dig dig dig

If support for Obamacare was over 50% at one time and now it's under 50%, that's called a decline. You are the only one that purposefully left data off a graph that showed your claim was false, I just posted the rest of it and you went off and moved your goal post. Don't know how else to explain simple math to you. Dig dig
besides the part where you say obamacare is support is dwindling, that was just you explaining your lies.

support for obamacare is not dwindling, it is steady at 40-43% or so. has been for a long time. you LIE.

When you have the means to pay back money that you borrowed yet default anyway and proudly brag about it, you are a thief.

ayn rand STRONGLY disagrees with you.

some argue that it is the morally correct thing to do, especially depending on the behavior of the party you are defaulting on.

my strategic default was not strategic at all. i kept trying to pay the card after they changed the terms and i shut down the account. they mysteriously did not recive my payments. i called over and over about it, and got nowhere. so i stopped paying them, fully expecting to go into further debt.

well, my buddy who works at wells fargo making 80k a year tells me to just continue not paying them. then he tells me to not respond to any correspondence or calls. then he tells me to ignore settlement offers for a long time. i thought he was fucking crazy, but i did it.

eventually, they offer to settle for about $0.12 on the dollar. he told me to counteroffer at $0.04 on the dollar. so i did. so they offered to settle for slightly less than $0.10 on the dollar, and i accepted.

no one did anything that the other party didn't consent to. i had every right to ignore them until they begged me, they had every right to offer to settle my debt at a sure loss.

no thievery involved, only smart business decisions all around.

the only thing i ever wanted was for them to erase the late fees on those mysteriously non-received payments.


Well-Known Member
besides the part where you say obamacare is support is dwindling, that was just you explaining your lies.

support for obamacare is not dwindling, it is steady at 40-43% or so. has been for a long time. you LIE.


ayn rand STRONGLY disagrees with you.

some argue that it is the morally correct thing to do, especially depending on the behavior of the party you are defaulting on.

my strategic default was not strategic at all. i kept trying to pay the card after they changed the terms and i shut down the account. they mysteriously did not recive my payments. i called over and over about it, and got nowhere. so i stopped paying them, fully expecting to go into further debt.

well, my buddy who works at wells fargo making 80k a year tells me to just continue not paying them. then he tells me to not respond to any correspondence or calls. then he tells me to ignore settlement offers for a long time. i thought he was fucking crazy, but i did it.

eventually, they offer to settle for about $0.12 on the dollar. he told me to counteroffer at $0.04 on the dollar. so i did. so they offered to settle for slightly less than $0.10 on the dollar, and i accepted.

no one did anything that the other party didn't consent to. i had every right to ignore them until they begged me, they had every right to offer to settle my debt at a sure loss.

no thievery involved, only smart business decisions all around.

the only thing i ever wanted was for them to erase the late fees on those mysteriously non-received payments.
And you have the balls to call other people liars.... LOL!!!


Well-Known Member
what have i lied about?
All you wanted to do was get the late charges removed but some guy from a bank suddenly showed up and relieved you of any obligation to repay your debts and you negotiated down to 10% of the actual bill after only wanting the late charges removed.

Are you lying to yourself, all of us or both?

Fucking ridiculous. You make yourself look like a clown...

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Two more businesses in my county announced they were shutting down in few months.
1000 jobs lost.
One plant was 60 years old.

Obama's just dandy!


Well-Known Member
All you wanted to do was get the late charges removed but some guy from a bank suddenly showed up and relieved you of any obligation to repay your debts and you negotiated down to 10% of the actual bill after only wanting the late charges removed.

Are you lying to yourself, all of us or both?

Fucking ridiculous. You make yourself look like a clown...
you missed the whole part about me waiting them out on the advice of a friend who deals with this type of thing as part of his high paying job for a similar company.

hell, i might even still have the letters from the bank, which started at about $0.50 or $0.40 on the dollar and just kept dropping from there the longer i ignored them.

and you say you "service" 10-15 people a day for $20 a pop on financial services? why does no one believe you? why does no one think you are capable of that?


Ursus marijanus
you need to evolve from the neck up and start looking at how reality works.
besides the part where you say obamacare is support is dwindling, that was just you explaining your lies.

support for obamacare is not dwindling, it is steady at 40-43% or so. has been for a long time. you LIE.


ayn rand STRONGLY disagrees with you.

some argue that it is the morally correct thing to do, especially depending on the behavior of the party you are defaulting on.

my strategic default was not strategic at all. i kept trying to pay the card after they changed the terms and i shut down the account. they mysteriously did not recive my payments. i called over and over about it, and got nowhere. so i stopped paying them, fully expecting to go into further debt.

well, my buddy who works at wells fargo making 80k a year tells me to just continue not paying them. then he tells me to not respond to any correspondence or calls. then he tells me to ignore settlement offers for a long time. i thought he was fucking crazy, but i did it.

eventually, they offer to settle for about $0.12 on the dollar. he told me to counteroffer at $0.04 on the dollar. so i did. so they offered to settle for slightly less than $0.10 on the dollar, and i accepted.

no one did anything that the other party didn't consent to. i had every right to ignore them until they begged me, they had every right to offer to settle my debt at a sure loss.

no thievery involved, only smart business decisions all around.

the only thing i ever wanted was for them to erase the late fees on those mysteriously non-received payments.
I am no Ayn fan and not familiar with her screeds. But where does she advocate that sort of theft?


Well-Known Member
word vomit
So if someone breaks in and steals all electronic equipment from your house and is later busted selling it all at a flea market. If the TV was the only thing left, would you accept it, or would you say no, if I can't have it all, I don't want any. Would you consider that since you got your TV back that you weren't really stolen from?

The bank made the best of a shitty situation, get as much back from the liar and thief as possible.


Well-Known Member
So if someone breaks in and steals all electronic equipment from your house and is later busted selling it all at a flea market. If the TV was the only thing left, would you accept it, or would you say no, if I can't have it all, I don't want any. Would you consider that since you got your TV back that you weren't really stolen from?

The bank made the best of a shitty situation, get as much back from the liar and thief as possible.
No. A bank is insured. If a homeowner or renter is insured, they would be compensated. Your analogy is moot.


Well-Known Member
No. A bank is insured. If a homeowner or renter is insured, they would be compensated. Your analogy is moot.
In your honest opinion, does insurance covering a theft make it not a theft anymore?

In your honest opinion, do you think those insurance payouts are eaten by the insurance company or passed onto others?

While I think your mancrush on Buck is cute, it seems to have you losing the ability to think logically.

Only a liar and a thief justifies stealing by saying "it's covered anyway".


Well-Known Member
In your honest opinion, does insurance covering a theft make it not a theft anymore?

In your honest opinion, do you think those insurance payouts are eaten by the insurance company or passed onto others?

While I think your mancrush on Buck is cute, it seems to have you losing the ability to think logically.

Only a liar and a thief justifies stealing by saying "it's covered anyway".
I doubt it occured to either one the reason the credit card rates are so high is directly related to bums like them not paying their debts..


Well-Known Member
The deliberate default in question. From my primitive understanding of Ayn, failure to honor a contract ... bad juju.
how was it theft? who stole what from who without consent?

ayn rand would argue that selfishness is a virtue, and that strategic defaults are not only morally OK, but the correct thing to do.


Some ethicists have questioned the morality of strategic default, arguing that one has a duty to make payments on debt if one is able.[SUP][4][/SUP] Others argue that there is no such moral duty, a loan being a contract between consenting adults, and noting that financial investors routinely default on non-recourse loans that have negative equity.[SUP][3][/SUP] Some argue further that there is a moral duty to strategically default,[SUP][4][/SUP] and that one should make such decisions based on one's financial interest "unclouded by unnecessary guilt or shame", as lenders who do not modify mortgages do the same, "seek[ing] to maximize profits or minimize losses irrespective of concerns of morality or social responsibility,"[SUP][5][/SUP] or more bluntly stating that "The economy is fundamentally amoral."[SUP][6][/SUP] Further, obligations to honor a contract are balanced by obligations to oneself and one's family, the latter speaking in favor of strategic default, some arguing "You need to put yourself and your family's finances first,"[SUP][6][/SUP] while one also has obligations to a community, which may be damaged by default.[SUP][4][/SUP]



Well-Known Member
I'm not finding Ayn's recommendation either in the extract or in the linked article.
let's forget about ayn (really, i wish the entire world would) then and focus on the accusation of theft.

who stole what from who without consent?

verb: steal; 3rd person present: steals; past tense: stole; gerund or present participle: stealing; past participle: stolen
take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.


Ursus marijanus
let's forget about ayn (really, i wish the entire world would) then and focus on the accusation of theft.

who stole what from who without consent?

verb: steal; 3rd person present: steals; past tense: stole; gerund or present participle: stealing; past participle: stolen
take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.
Because a loan is a fiduciary contract. Strategic default is a choice; by definition one could continue to service the loan. I can see that attorneys could argue that the choice of strategic default isn't theft, but it certainly is dishonest and treacherous. Nowhere did the lender guarantee to you that the property in question would retain value. I cannot imagine making a moral case for any default that wasn't underlain by demonstrably untenable hardship. We are raising an entire generation of moral casuists.