Club 600


Well-Known Member
i think you will be the bb rep for that one mo.

i have heard dst say he won't be doing any american cups due to the u.s laws on cannabis related companies. it is one big grey area.

have fun though!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
all the best to you and yours Gen. sure he's a fighter just like yaself;)

DST, i'm not sure sunshine over scotland counts if the pics are taken above the clouds :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah i've seen the man smoke i'm amazed he manages to function. yet he seems totally straight even when he's hitting dabs on the nail. lol. a tolerance break would probably feel like he'd dropped acid.


Well-Known Member
For a brief second, with all the excitement of taking the wee man on his first plane ride, I thought we had got on the wrong flight and had arrived in promptly pished it down for the rest of the stay though, lol.
And after a break I get so fukked from my first smoke it makes me want to take more breaks, but then I just say fuk it and smoke more:) why not, it's there to be smerked is it naw!
Just going through the process of uploading pics, fuk me this 4 at a time thing is a proper chore off.


Well-Known Member
Haha.. I would love to see that :) Next buy must be a good nail for dabs. Were you guys going to spannabis or what?
I thought it was at puerto rico gran canaria, dunno why. Would be great tho, my favorite been there like 10 times.


Well-Known Member
Shit your lucky. I have to do it 1 at a time. OR you know something i dont?! Tell me im going insane. lol
If i can have a break from my girl, i might have a T-break too ;)


Well-Known Member
when I use to upload to an album the Manage Attachments Box opened, then I would click add files, this would then bring up another box, I would then press select, and it would open up a Windows browser on my PC, then just browse to the file I had my pics in and highlight them all (20-30, however many you wanted and press bango bongo. No I get a box that allows me to upload one, then press a + and then again until I have selected 4. It use to be like that on IE7 when that came out so I switched to Firefox and never had any problems until today......
Shit your lucky. I have to do it 1 at a time. OR you know something i dont?! Tell me im going insane. lol
If i can have a break from my girl, i might have a T-break too ;)


Well-Known Member
So here's som pics from today. Nothing died while I was away, although I did manage to lop the top of one of my clones when finally potting them up, they were in a sorry state, lol.
Up in the cab, still in veg mode at the minute.

Down in the cab

Side cab

Veg Cupbaord, switched to horizontal


Jake Dreams

Headband Cali O

Clone in the middle with head lopped off, lol



Well-Known Member
Yeah dunno it happened in the last 2 days :/ Still to much work putting up pics. Im gonna try some different browsers.


Well-Known Member
A cool new one from the Regginator, with a funny ending (not be confused with a "Happy Ending")


tiny roach

Active Member
Sorry , if I'm intruding in a thread, I'm still learning , here............
I play this for my plants, it seems to make them happy.

BTW.........plants thrive , with a lot of music , just crank it, and it moves the air around, as well as any fan could .

This, btw, is a mellow Pantera song .
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tiny roach

Active Member
Sorry , if I'm intruding in a thread, I'm still learning , here............
I play this for my plants, it seems to make them happy.

BTW.........plants thrive , with a lot of music , just crank it, and it moves the air around, as well as any fan could .

This, btw, is a mellow Pantera song .


Well-Known Member
No intrusion at all :-)
While it's called "Club 600", it's not an exclusive one.
And we don't care if someone grows with penlight or sunlight, so long as your growing.
Just a good attitude (barring bad days & such, as we all get) is all that's asked of us.
And pics of cannabis whenever possible.
And sharing info on grow techniques.
But nothing else! That's all that's needed!
Except this chair, I need this chair.
And my TV remote control.
But that's it!
I don't need anything else!
You'll see! I'll be fine with just these, and don't need ANYTHING else!
Except my DESK lamp.
But that's it!
Pics, info, chair, TV remote control, and my DESK lamp.
That's ALL I ever needed!
And my paddle ball, even though it's broke.
So pics, info, chair, TV remote, my DESK lamp, and my broken paddle ball.
But that's IT!
I don't need ANYTHING else!
Except my dog: Shithead. Come here boy...


I don't need my dog.
I have everything I need... pics, info, chair, TV remote control, DESK lamp, and my broken paddle ball...

Welcome to our madness!!!


Well-Known Member
And, if you haven't already, you might want to change the number of posts per page that are displayed to 40 posts per page.
Go to:

My Profile>General Settings (on the left side)> Thread Display Options (about half-way down that page).
