Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yes they are, I'm thinking of getting one for my veg tent. Any suggestions?

Oh and I will be out in your neck of the woods in a few months jig.

Oh and whodat I was just in your neck of the woods.
speaking of your neck of the woods who. i haven't been to NO since my honeymoon in 04 and the 13 of march will be our 10 year so i am planing to go back then. she wants to go to mardi gras but my mom and my sisters kids will be in town:sad: so what is some cool shit to take to old lady to?


Well-Known Member
speaking of your neck of the woods who. i haven't been to NO since my honeymoon in 04 and the 13 of march will be our 10 year so i am planing to go back then. she wants to go to mardi gras but my mom and my sisters kids will be in town:sad: so what is some cool shit to take to old lady to?

Cant guarantee I'll be around for that.
I have some awesome childhood memories of mardigras, certain parades are better for the kinds, mainly the day time ones, and there are certain areas along the routes themselves that are more family friendly depending where what parade is running.

Other than that there will be live music galore all day and night (as usual), and plenty of great food as well. Stay off of bourbon st. I can link you to a page that will have all locations of live music with who and where and when they will be playing.
The zoo is awesome and the aquarium is really nice too. City park is great to stroll through looking at all the multi hundred year old oaks, there is a nice little carnival type thing for the kids in there too... Just strolling around uptown is relaxing in itself, hit up the riverwalk downtown too.

Well I got everything in for the hydro systems,,, will share when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
i will be in laff for MG i will be there doing the more romantic thing i have been to the zoo in 04 i was looking more for that hole in the wall with the good food and good atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
Man&Dog reaching out! :P I love my garden also all of my dogs! Even my labrador :)
For those who dont already know: Throwing stems an other cannabis stuff into the fireplace is a bad idea! Did not smell at all but on fire the hole street smells :wall:
I still love the editor..


Well-Known Member
i hope the little guy is alright gen. that is some awful news.

do what you need to do, we will be here for you man.


Well-Known Member
Very sry to hear that gen.. Take care of it we will still be here!
Best of wishes and luck to you and yours!


Well-Known Member
well in a perfect world i would do the same dr d, i just thought i was being a clever dick by doing it, i only have a 125w cfl in my 3x3 veg tent so keeping 13 mothers is obviously a no no.

i killed 9 of the bps and of the nine i killed 2 were ones i wanted to keep so i thought i would give reveg a go because i never tried it. hopefully it works because i do love the #20
I done a few re-veg's and its nothing mate, that #20 is SOMETHING :-)
Again great job, to yourself and DST


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that Gen, sending no word's can say how you must feel, hopefully some kind praises from the gang will give you a wee lift pal.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I LOVE MY GARDEN :bigjoint:and no i dont get away to much. that is way i have been thinking of finding a good partner when i move to do this for a living. when i was going to WA the plan was to do it myself and have silent partners, but now i think a grower would be better you end up married to a big garden and if you want any time of you are screwed. plus we all now how that friend dose about coming by and watering. lot of seed is more chance to find the fire
Marry another grower?