Club 600


Well-Known Member
be vigilant, some phenos stop growing male parts when they get mature but never let your guard down 100%, i loved my dog but she never stopped growing male parts so i didn't keep her around.

a couple of my bp hermied in late bloom but then almost everything i grow will throw a nanner or two when i grow it to almost death lol it seems the crosses don't carry the hermie trait.


Well-Known Member
Al tell him to keep an eye out he's only had them a week or 2 so he hasn't lost much time if he wants to start again


Well-Known Member
Whats up 6er's? I've had a fun morning all ready. My kitten loves to hunt mice like a lot do. Well, we are starting our Jan. thaw and the ground is becoming uncovered. My kitten won't stop bringing mice home in through the dog door. This morning alone he's been in with 3 and 2 of them where still alive. I've had cats that were hunters but he's something else. A great example of be careful for what you wish for.


Well-Known Member
Out of maybe 10 "undecided sex balls" on one dog 2 became male with me.. Lots of previous balls are growing beautiful flowers now.


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't have any more pop up now hydro, i remember the first time i ran it and i panicked by how many male parts it had in early bloom, once the buds form though you realise it is definately worth the risk of getting a few seeds in your bud.


Well-Known Member
I was never really afraid of them balls. More like respect and wondering. Growing a dog is like going that next step. Ive learned lots from this run so far. Great. Time for wake'n'bake :)


Well-Known Member
so u dont think i should scrap them and start again?? that is running through my head... or do i just check them every day picking them off should i go 12/12 now so i know for sure what they are male parts am picking off


Well-Known Member
Dont start over. Youll just get new balls :) If you wanna be 99% that no pollen will ever be released remove all balls. Otherwise yeah check on em couple times a day when in flower and remove when you see nanners. But you really gotta keep eyes open :)


Well-Known Member
ok so they not on 12/12 yet..... im away to amsterdam a week today should i flip tomorow plucking every day or should i wait till im back on the monday????? i have a few freebie fem seeds lieing around am gona start under cfl incase the worst, think am gona start to get the stuff for my 8x4 tent just incase aswell

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I got horrible returns on my runs. I think my tube is too large in diameter or something.
The best runs ive got is when the tube is packed really really good. Takes about 30-40 seek before the gold runs out. Still on the honey bee extractor but wanna make a glass tube. I love bho :)
I've been reading up about it and common consensus is that the pressure doesn't distribute evenly through the tube especially if your material is not a consistent mix so say shake popcorn and kif mix is going to run unevenly like a badly rolled blunt lol.

You guys ever hear of using a thermos flask to totally soak the material. you can keep the wash going for hours to ensure 100% extraction. KISS at it's finest
Out of maybe 10 "undecided sex balls" on one dog 2 became male with me.. Lots of previous balls are growing beautiful flowers now.
so u dont think i should scrap them and start again?? that is running through my head... or do i just check them every day picking them off should i go 12/12 now so i know for sure what they are male parts am picking off
I wouldn't scrap them yet, let it ride and pluck them in a couple of days.

I would seriously recommend to everyone Dutch Masters Reverse spray. couple of sprays for the piece of mind.


Well-Known Member
ok then lads il flick the timer tomoz and ride it out plucking them see what happens only gona learn buy it i suppose


Well-Known Member
lol we have sun in scotland he says from the dam.
i would have to believe you to be honest gary, shit weather in scotland sounds about right :cuss:


Well-Known Member
Fair play, I went up Nevis a good 10/11 years ago and it was the clearest day imaginable. Locals in Fort W said we were silly lucky so have an unbroken sky. That waterfall half way up was fucking bliss to jump under then have a doob next to. So clear, could see so fucking far.

Rained the next day.


Well-Known Member
I have a picture of said sun, and who says I am in the Dam;)

lol we have sun in scotland he says from the dam.
i would have to believe you to be honest gary, shit weather in scotland sounds about right :cuss: