Club 600


Well-Known Member
One would stand to reason that yes. All I can say is what I've seen, and I've run probably 20 clones from various Dog moms and had an estimated combined total of about 20-30 balls on the lot of them. I grew Dog from seed twice, both times more than one plant was a super hermie. Strait half girl, half boy, had to cut them down and toss em.

Not a very scientific study for sure... but if I'm not mistaken others have had the same experience. I had thought it even in the strain description on the website?

EDIT: YEah from the BB website:

The strain, like the parent, produces some plants that throw out male pods. This is reasonably controllable and once removed tend not to return. Further tests have been done on the clone of one of the particular pheno's that produced the male pods to see if cloning removes this trait which it has shown to do in the parent Headband and all subsequent generations showed no sign of producing any males plant parts.


Well-Known Member
Al tell him to keep an eye out he's only had them a week or 2 so he hasn't lost much time if he wants to start again
If I were you... I'd send your friend a link to the Dog description, just so he's in the loop on the "possibility" then he's fully aware and can decide if he wants to run it or not. Kinda like a disclaimer that it won't come back on you if they hermie on him and he wasn't expecting it.

In my experience the balls seem to disappear when you clone the plant. So your mate might be in the clear.

Here's my plants at day 34 - 12/12
Jig, you better get on the lookout for your next runs clones, I won't have anything ready in your time frame. I love being prepared!


Well-Known Member
Im vegging as fast as I can chaka! LOL! Its nice to be prepared but sometimes its tough to get the timing perfect and things slow down a bit. I think the following round I will have the new BB ready to go for both Jig and I.

You are all headband this round right? Whats on deck next? :)

What are you thinking JIG? I am not sure how far along I will be with the new gear we sprouted. Probably hard to think about the next round with having a grow like this after the last two. :-) They look great.


Well-Known Member
I play things as they come. When I need some clones I'll see whats available and get some somewhere, or not. Pretty low key.


Well-Known Member
I play things as they come. When I need some clones I'll see whats available and get some somewhere, or not. Pretty low key.

I know you would have to veg longer but by early feb some of these plants will have vegged enough to take some clones off of and put in your system. Im not sure any of the BB stuff will be ready but the other clones might. If we hook up some clones from FMILY maybe we could fill you with a little variety.

BTW plants look great! LED! amazing. The initial costs will make converting slow but at least the tech is there!

Just thinking aloud so-to-speak....LOL


Well-Known Member
since some of us were talking about the size of the buds i decided to take a cpl pics of my purple paralysis buds with a measuring tape let u all see for yourselves

View attachment 2958267View attachment 2958268View attachment 2958269

and heres some close ups the best i could do with a shitty camera but gives u an idea where im at just now,

still got 4 weeks till chop.

View attachment 2958270View attachment 2958271View attachment 2958272View attachment 2958273View attachment 2958274View attachment 2958275View attachment 2958276View attachment 2958277


Well-Known Member
He's already binned his haha I didn't even get a chance to ask for them back to see if the male pods don't come on the clones,i have a little one I have mainlined for 1 I'm gona bring back for try... now I got my phone going again and can upload the comfort of my own home with bong I get a few pics tomoz


Well-Known Member
Im vegging as fast as I can chaka! LOL! Its nice to be prepared but sometimes its tough to get the timing perfect and things slow down a bit. I think the following round I will have the new BB ready to go for both Jig and I.

You are all headband this round right? Whats on deck next? :)

What are you thinking JIG? I am not sure how far along I will be with the new gear we sprouted. Probably hard to think about the next round with having a grow like this after the last two. :-) They look great.
I play things as they come. When I need some clones I'll see whats available and get some somewhere, or not. Pretty low key.
You guys and all your damn clone talk.

Do you know how hard it is for me to get a clone only lol.

I prob have a better chance of fucking a super model lol


Well-Known Member

Sorry! I do relate. I have been underground before too. That is one of the major benefits of Cali. That and the weather and all the stuff to do. LOL ....sorry... now Im just rubbing it in...LOL!

You would cry at how much clone material I trash just cleaning out my jungle. Between jig and I we could have a whole army of clones . I even have to trash rooted clones sometimes. :-(


Well-Known Member

You would cry at how much clone material I trash just cleaning out my jungle. Between jig and I we could have a whole army of clones . I even have to trash rooted clones sometimes. :-(

Rub it in some more why don't ya lol.

It's ok someday we all will no longer have to live in fear.

We are just growing a god damn plant!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of clones, I didnt water my solo hempys for 2 days and one dropped all the way down.
Hopefully she comes back.
She is the biggest of the Blueberry ones.
They will get real hempy buckets as soon as i can clear out a whole light to veg them under

The SLH ones are nute sensitive, so they will get a more watered down feeding of the end of the pail


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am finding SLH to be a bit sensitive.

Mine also jumped straight up, so fast that I had to chop it down
a bit. I am restarting from clones and will start training them
pretty much immediately.

Good luck and I hope that the BB pops up.



Well-Known Member
Yes, I am finding SLH to be a bit sensitive.

Mine also jumped straight up, so fast that I had to chop it down
a bit. I am restarting from clones and will start training them
pretty much immediately.

Good luck and I hope that the BB pops up.

Thanx JD!

It has been a few hrs, and one leaf came up so far.
i think it will, but it might never be the same, so I am gonna get clones (if I do) from the other one.


Just checked on her again and the leaves are at a 45* angle now.
She will be back up fully I presume by later 2nite


Well-Known Member

I was going to add that sometimes a fresh clone is the best way to go.
(I hear it can settle The Dog down too)

I dropped a new clone, in it's beer cup, onto my very young DinaChem,.
just up-potted to its beer cup. Wow. It looked worse and worse for a
few days...crept for a few...and just now, about 10 days later, does it
seem to be back on track.

It was not snapped over. This would have killed it.

It was pressed straight down from above, and I got the impression that
all or part of the roots that it had grown to that point had been snapped.

It seems that only the one Lavender from Soma (sob) was lost and I am
certain that it was gnat larvae in the seed tray.

Onward and upward,



Well-Known Member
I know the first run i did with the dog I had a couple of ball sacks to where 1 plant had some very immature seeds and I just ran and harvested clones from those and haven't seen a sign of any yet. When I gave my friend some clones a couple of months back I gave him the heads up and he was fine also. I just gave him some more fem. dog seeds and reminded him again and he has 2 other strains that have the same issue that clones away. Just an interesting tidbit.


Well-Known Member
I ran 3 DOG beans 1 was a hermie and got pulled, other 2 were fine, no noticed balls, and not a single seed.
Now there are 2 clones from them flowering now.

What I am saying is even from seed some wont have balls or seeds at all.


Well-Known Member
I ran 3 DOG beans 1 was a hermie and got pulled, other 2 were fine, no noticed balls, and not a single seed.
Now there are 2 clones from them flowering now.

What I am saying is even from seed some wont have balls or seeds at all.
I have to agree since I ran 5 and only pulled a couple of male sacks and only 1 had some immature seeds. I know for a fact I wasn't on top of it or even pulled enough off to have them on every plant. 1 out of 5 for quality like the dog are odds I'll play any day.