Club 600


Well-Known Member
Other than the FFOF these plants have only had a combined total of 4 tbsp of any types of supplements added in the 23 days they've been in the buckets. 2 doses of super thrive, 2 shots of medium strength grow, 2 shots of fulvic acid and one shot of nectar. The nectar will be a regular from here on, and I'll throw in a bit of bloom at some point and the avalanche at week 5. The headband was what I burned the worst in the coco previously. It got harvested a hair early and I lost a lot of weight although it was great weed. These are going to be that much better! Still have the 600MH in and I continue to pull branches up a ring as they are able.


Well-Known Member
are you growing in new zealand by any chance?

they look nice all jokes aside, are they under a mh lamp i take it?


Well-Known Member
Lol..yeah their under a MH at the moment. Up in northern Cali. I haven't fed them at all yet but I want to get some bud food when I can afford it.


Well-Known Member
I have a long time friend who doesn't smoke that recently got into gardening and plants in general. He's growing all kinds of shit, plants, flowers, vegetables. So he tells me he wants to grow some weed too just for fun... this was in like December. I said yeah well without any equipment you aren't going to have much luck starting a seed in winter and sticking it in the window. He didnt care, I got a bunch of seeds so I gave him some anyways. He's kept me in the loop on the "grow" with pics now and then. So check this bad motherfucker out! Started from seed in winter on a windowsill! Oh I lol'd so hard when he sent me this picture. The plant has since stopped budding due to lack of light and will eventually revert to vegging if he doesn't end the "grow" beforehand :) It's a peacock BTW


Well-Known Member
DB, thats coming along really nice, are you leaving it like that or gonna clear it or something after?

Welsh Thats some beautiful Buddage there!!

Jig, they are coming along as well as could be expected.
I think yield is gonna be on par with your best pulls from that closet.

SG, I love that sideways vert setup you have there, really well designed!

Smellz, I am using the Blockbuster without glass, but still have fan connected to each side, and with the 12" fan oscillating over the canopy I have canopy temps at or below 80* during this time of yr, and 73-77* above light, and 12" under light.

JD, that clone guy still flaked.
I would kick his A** if I could lol.
I am so behind now!
Anyway thats my fault for putting all my eggs in one basket as they say.

The new clone PPL are these 2 chicks, and they have bad-a** strains, clean quality hella green...and only $5 each
The other guy wanted $10 each and strung me along for 3 weeks.

They say you get what you pay for, but in this case I got way more!!

i feel u bass... about the blockbuster. :D

im holding out on getting some crap that needs to be mailed to someone too. i feel bad but the weather here is INSANE. my mailbox was destroyed by the plow. i got stuck really bad once. even being super careful... just bad weather and poor roads. no fun. plants need heaters in their rooms to stay decent temps... ugh.

i can get clones thank goodness, even was told there are PGA's available for me, i was happy to hear. but i have to drive to detroit area to get them. so... yeah bad drive... at least i have one tiny clone of it still, that lived thru 5 days w/o light and heat. its finally growing again.

the Southern charms were babied a bit more and i managed to keep then healthy... they just have to come out of the solo cups they were started in. very good growth on each so far. Both have a nice smell so far, not extreme or anything, but nice! big wide finger leaves so far, tight nodes. responding well to cold issues, as seedlings.
both are vigorous, i hope they one is at least female :D if not ill keep a bit of their pollen!

my stuff is flowering ok tho, i like my La Con. first run from a single fem DNA/RP seed. along with an OG #18, which is a clone of the original single fem seed of that strain i got at the same time. took forever to veg the la con. :) smells alot like dark chocolate, not much sweet like most bubba kush has. but its diggin the low humidity or something... idk. suckin up nutes and water very well.

gonna have to get that damn expensive pack to get a cord for pics from my digi, rediculous. have 2 PGA's that are a bit smaller and tame, but topped out and stuff. did i miss any good suggestions finding an 8 point usb?? or so its called... for a digi camera to computer usb. sry if i did... ive been trying to dig thru 600 and read up tho!

u guys have great grows and pics. fantastic!! club 600 is kickin' ass it seems, even thru rough weather for a few of us! u are lucky if its not bad were u are! :) much love u guys!


Well-Known Member
Well, i got my 600w hooked up and its seems to be working properly. VERY BRIGHT! and its dimmed at 50%. My question is how long should i keep it at 300w then bump to 450 then 600. They're used to 150w HPS and a few cfls. Appreciate any help. (will also do some forum searching for answers)

I think you could bump it up to 600 right away with no ill effect. I go from cfl to 600 all the time. Now going from any artificial light to sunlight is a different story, thats when "hardening off" is mos def needed.
In your case though, if the plants dont really need all 600w you could save some electricity, but really Id just turn it up to 600w anyway :-)

Hey folks, been fixing a few busted pipes today lol aint got nothing better to do anyways bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I think you could bump it up to 600 right away with no ill effect. I go from cfl to 600 all the time. Now going from any artificial light to sunlight is a different story, thats when "hardening off" is mos def needed.
In your case though, if the plants dont really need all 600w you could save some electricity, but really Id just turn it up to 600w anyway :-)

Hey folks, been fixing a few busted pipes today lol aint got nothing better to do anyways bongsmilie
I 2nd that, I would put it to 600 right off. I would start the hood a little higher and work it down over the course of a few days though. Grats on the 600!

EDIT: That is assuming that you have ducted appropriately. Keep a close eye on temps. I always like to keep a thermometer at the plant tops when making lighting changes to get a feel for temps at the canopy.


Well-Known Member
we need a club 600 dispensary, get your daily dank for free.

starting with blue pit and a bit of cheese, because a party without cheese, well it's no party imo.


Imagine that :-) "Club 600" storefront. 600 strains available, Id love to be a part of that! Lots of BB gear too Id imagine :-)

Hey here's a post in another thread I made shortly before yours,,,, More cheese please!

Anything with cheese on it sounds good to me :-D



Well-Known Member
I posted this story when it happened, hopefully she wins the lawsuit... Yet again the tax payers are footing the bill for misconduct by their own employees, any other job id imagine they'd be "terminated".

According to a new federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a 54-year old woman identified in the complaint only as “Jane Doe,” the U.S. Border Patrol subjected the woman to 6 hours of humiliating cavity searches looking for drugs that were never there.
Jane was crossing a bridge on her way to El Paso from Mexico when she was stopped by Border Patrol agents. She was selected for more screening by the agents, which involved a probing of the crevice of her butt. Next a dog “alerted” on Jane while she was standing in a line with others. This led to a strip search, vaginal and anal search by flashlight, a trip to the hospital for x-rays, forced laxative, a gynecological exam and a CT scan. When nothing was found, Jane was told to either sign a form consenting to all that was done to her or she would be billed for all the procedures forced upon her.
Jane refused to sign anything and later received a bill for some $5,000. Readers may remember a similar case involving a New Mexico man last month.


Well-Known Member
I posted this story when it happened, hopefully she wins the lawsuit... Yet again the tax payers are footing the bill for misconduct by their own employees, any other job id imagine they'd be "terminated".

According to a new federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a 54-year old woman identified in the complaint only as “Jane Doe,” the U.S. Border Patrol subjected the woman to 6 hours of humiliating cavity searches looking for drugs that were never there.
Jane was crossing a bridge on her way to El Paso from Mexico when she was stopped by Border Patrol agents. She was selected for more screening by the agents, which involved a probing of the crevice of her butt. Next a dog “alerted” on Jane while she was standing in a line with others. This led to a strip search, vaginal and anal search by flashlight, a trip to the hospital for x-rays, forced laxative, a gynecological exam and a CT scan. When nothing was found, Jane was told to either sign a form consenting to all that was done to her or she would be billed for all the procedures forced upon her.
Jane refused to sign anything and later received a bill for some $5,000. Readers may remember a similar case involving a New Mexico man last month.
The title of the story linked says it all:

Fucking insane.



Well-Known Member
That is crazy shizz dang.
Fårk i cant sleep. Deep Blue x Livers. A new tent with 600w. Getting setup. Dog. Bho. Drug warrior kidnap. All this on my mind :) Ill try a copy paste and hit the sack.

  • Dog weekly
    I like the way it grows.. Fast

    Week 1-2


    Week 3-4

    Week 4-5



Well-Known Member
I posted this story when it happened, hopefully she wins the lawsuit... Yet again the tax payers are footing the bill for misconduct by their own employees, any other job id imagine they'd be "terminated".

According to a new federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a 54-year old woman identified in the complaint only as “Jane Doe,” the U.S. Border Patrol subjected the woman to 6 hours of humiliating cavity searches looking for drugs that were never there.
Jane was crossing a bridge on her way to El Paso from Mexico when she was stopped by Border Patrol agents. She was selected for more screening by the agents, which involved a probing of the crevice of her butt. Next a dog “alerted” on Jane while she was standing in a line with others. This led to a strip search, vaginal and anal search by flashlight, a trip to the hospital for x-rays, forced laxative, a gynecological exam and a CT scan. When nothing was found, Jane was told to either sign a form consenting to all that was done to her or she would be billed for all the procedures forced upon her.
Jane refused to sign anything and later received a bill for some $5,000. Readers may remember a similar case involving a New Mexico man last month.
this is militant fascism and a travesty that i to have endured. i was straight profiled by German Customs and was accused of smoking hash in the transit area which i had not. Well i need to go to bed i have to be at work at 4 am to go to MS over near Vicksberg, but i never do. i am only waiting on two fireballs and one blue pit to pop. Fairy i got my package i will get with you on some of the genetics in the pips, and see if there are any you want to see grown out hell i'm game, and a big thanks kiss-ass