Ten days in and baby is sooo small.. Why?


Active Member
Damn my phone wouldn't let me edit....I meant banding caused by zinc/high ph...iron is also high ph but doesn't cause banding..my bad
Banding is the large raised blocks .....nvm lol I don't know how to describe
Google zinc deficiency banding
lol ill def check it out but for right now does it look ok? And u think it'll get better?

Thanks again time to hit the bOng it's FREEZING over here -20


Active Member
OK here ya go...you are being asked a bunch of questions and being told a bunch of different opinions when in fact you are growing your youngling in the wrong medium...looks like African violet soil with a lot of bark which can be very acidic and MJ don't like acidic soil...I recommend that you get some potting soil, or seedling starter mix and transplant that poor little one immediately...peace and good luck
That's a possibility but I've been using this soil with other plants and my other MJ plant was thriving In this soil. It's nuts how many things can be possibly wrong lol maybe nothing's wrong at all lmao but I'll keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
Funny thing about opinions........

I use miracle grow African violet 50:50 with perlite and mg bloom booster......
I only use miracle grow products
(Well as a disclaimer I should say half my plants are in a nice all organic amended mix..but only to disprove a certain someone)


Well-Known Member
That's a possibility but I've been using this soil with other plants and my other MJ plant was thriving In this soil. It's nuts how many things can be possibly wrong lol maybe nothing's wrong at all lmao but I'll keep that in mind
Well, ok, I may have jumped the gun there...I have had bagseeds do great in that type of soil, but, my OG and Blue Rhino look just like that when I tried to put them in "barky" soil...all yellow and discolored veins...but they did great when I transplanted them into some less acidic soil...
Funny thing about opinions........

I use miracle grow African violet 50:50 with perlite and mg bloom booster......
I only use miracle grow products
(Well as a disclaimer I should say half my plants are in a nice all organic amended mix..but only to disprove a certain someone)
When I used MG, it was the potting soil, and I used MG nutes also, and did very well...I used to use CFLs also...but since I switched to https://www.rollitup.org/organics/539844-subs-supersoil.html and HIDs I have not had a problem since...not to knock anyones way of doing things but, either I'm gona do something right or I'm not gona do it at all...


Active Member
Funny thing about opinions........

I use miracle grow African violet 50:50 with perlite and mg bloom booster......
I only use miracle grow products
(Well as a disclaimer I should say half my plants are in a nice all organic amended mix..but only to disprove a certain someone)

Right there with you. Im not sure why MG gets so much guff. My initial plan for my current grow was to go get some MG grow and bloom. Only reason I didnt was because I got the wrong bulb from the grow store and they have a dumb no return policy. So stuck with $20 store credit:finger:....guy behind the counter pulls out some Ionic grow, bloom, and pk boost for $5 a bottle.

What can i say, im cheap:)


Well-Known Member
If its acidic add lime...my mg soil actually has too high a ph..I don't pick soils mixes by name but by nute ratios..any def you had could have been fixed by amending, same as you did when you created super soil....unless you just bought a bag of it lol...if your not gonna do something right then why do it...well right is subjective..do you advocate flushing? Are you against the use of high pk bloom boosters? I see nute ratios and the type of nute and that's all..for example I stay away from ammonical n and chlorinated ingredients...we all have different styles..I prefer to read the plant and add what it needs.....
Was that mg or subs shown in the pic?
Doesn't look too bad...I mean it looks pretty healthy

I also only grow landrace sativas....I do things a lot differently than most


Well-Known Member
If its acidic add lime...my mg soil actually has too high a ph..I don't pick soils mixes by name but by nute ratios..any def you had could have been fixed by amending, same as you did when you created super soil....unless you just bought a bag of it lol...if your not gonna do something right then why do it...well right is subjective..do you advocate flushing? Are you against the use of high pk bloom boosters? I see nute ratios and the type of nute and that's all..for example I stay away from ammonical n and chlorinated ingredients...we all have different styles..I prefer to read the plant and add what it needs.....
Was that mg or subs shown in the pic?
Doesn't look too bad...I mean it looks pretty healthy

I also only grow landrace sativas....I do things a lot differently than most
Lol...you have more patients than me then...I grew 1 sativa and while it was a monster and good shit, it took soooo long to finish haha...and yeah that was subs not MG...and it was my 3rd grow...my first and second grow were in MG though with the MG nutes...I have supersoil and dynagrow nutes now...and I have to say the difference is night and day...EDIT: No I mix my supersoil and cook it for a month...and no I don't believe in "flushing" per say, but the last 2 weeks is nothing but water, and not a "flush" but enough runoff to not allow a salinity build-up...


Active Member
It's only 10 days old, give her a bit of time. She's still a baby, let her crawl before you try and force her to run


it should have a couple of leaf sets by now. You probably should look at getting more powerful light and you need to start in smaller containers next time. It's it easier to start in 4 inch pots or solo cups.
I hate to disappoint you but you might want to start some new seeds this one isn't gonna be amazing.