Ten days in and baby is sooo small.. Why?


Active Member
I'm running 6 CFLS equaling out to around 200 watts the lights are all around my plant a complete 360 but idk why she's so damn small..

are there many different reasons for this? Maybe a main reason?

Heres a a pic check her out



Active Member
Hmmm....is your soil super wet??

If so, how often do you water or foliar spray?

We're gonna need a little more info to better help ya out though.

What kind of soil, water, food if any(i hope not)? Any fans or anything? Also, your soil looks a little uh..woody. Seedlings, and mj in general really like airy soil. I usually use a mix jiffy seed starter and fine perlite.


Well-Known Member
Unhappy baby...I see banding and yellowing between veins(pretty much yellow everywhere)
Perhaps lowering ph and or adding a touch of nutes will lower ph, get iron and mag at the same time... backing off lights will reduce nute stress, particularly the mag like yellowing between veins
My 2¢

Oh and yea that sounds pretty good (regarding our last conversation)

And as mentioned..its looking pretty thick. When you transplant or for next time, try a 50:50 perlite mix with what you have


Well-Known Member
I'm running 6 CFLS equaling out to around 200 watts the lights are all around my plant a complete 360 but idk why she's so damn small..

are there many different reasons for this? Maybe a main reason?
Hi GKID69, 6 x ?CFL = 200w..is this True watts or equivalent?? (I could be wrong) but I'm pretty sure you don't add the watts together, what you have is 6 x whatever each Bulb is at whatever distance you have from Plant.

How have you got CFL positioned? I Think the End(Tip) of Bulb is like Dead Zone(Not a lot,if any Lumens) that's hanging down but above your lady..if CFL on its side is best I think.

By-The-By_ Ten days old is still a baby, give her chance...how many cm is She?

What kind of Grow Space you got? is it painted white? Mylar covered? are you using any kind of Reflector above your CFL?

CFL have to be close to be of any use, after 2-3" away your plant is not getting much from them.

I think the often quoted amount of Lumens needed for decent growth is about 5000L per Plant..

30w(True) = about 1800-2000 L

60w(True) = about 3500 L

125w(True) = about 7000 L

200w(True) = about 8000 - 10,000 L

Its something like that, just to give you a rough idea..varies per manufacture..

Hope this is off some Help..



Well-Known Member
Yea Add em up.. find sqft...divide lumens by sqft
2100 to maintain photosynthesis ..sun throws avg of 7thousand per sqft on a clear sunny day, replicate that..10 consistently can bleach some strains
It doesn't really matter how they are facing. The side has more area to throw light on your plants and putting em in a v on y connectors is most efficient..though interestingly enough they throw 5% more light if upright...you do want them quite close to your plant if 23-42 watt bulbs, but not too close you burn.(you should raise as I suggested no matter what they're currently at..read the plant)..the temp of the bulb will also drastically effect output and color of the spectrum..try not to position a fan right at your cfl(particularly if their is a big dif in temps from air coming in), you can easily tell if they get cold


Active Member
Unhappy baby...I see banding and yellowing between veins(pretty much yellow everywhere)
Perhaps lowering ph and or adding a touch of nutes will lower ph, get iron and mag at the same time... backing off lights will reduce nute stress, particularly the mag like yellowing between veins
My 2¢

Oh and yea that sounds pretty good (regarding our last conversation)

And as mentioned..its looking pretty thick. When you transplant or for next time, try a 50:50 perlite mix with what you have
:( lol I don't see any yellow. Maybe that's how the light is reflecting off the plant buts she's very green maybe a lime green but still green don't see any yellowing. What's banding?

I Hope in a cpl days when I get better bulbs she will start growing mad


Well-Known Member
10 days from poppin through the Dirt is still young, give her Time.....

If(Which probably did) state Contains enough Nutrients to feed your plants for anything between 4-8wks?? on the Bag of Organic Compost/Soil then don't add any further Nutes...not that a Lady that young needs em anyway.. does Compost/Soil mix contain any Perlite?

Patience is the Key



Active Member
Hi GKID69, 6 x ?CFL = 200w..is this True watts or equivalent?? (I could be wrong) but I'm pretty sure you don't add the watts together, what you have is 6 x whatever each Bulb is at whatever distance you have from Plant.

How have you got CFL positioned? I Think the End(Tip) of Bulb is like Dead Zone(Not a lot,if any Lumens) that's hanging down but above your lady..if CFL on its side is best I think.

By-The-By_ Ten days old is still a baby, give her chance...how many cm is She?

What kind of Grow Space you got? is it painted white? Mylar covered? are you using any kind of Reflector above your CFL?

CFL have to be close to be of any use, after 2-3" away your plant is not getting much from them.

I think the often quoted amount of Lumens needed for decent growth is about 5000L per Plant..

30w(True) = about 1800-2000 L

60w(True) = about 3500 L

125w(True) = about 7000 L

200w(True) = about 8000 - 10,000 L

Its something like that, just to give you a rough idea..varies per manufacture..

Hope this is off some Help..


Cfls are positioned all around the plant 360

Grow room is white with roof coating with reflects light and bounces back

Using a white poster board to hang above CFLS and bounce back light

CFLS are def very close to plant like u said 2-3 inches one may be 4 inches away.

Oh oh and also the bulbs are not equivalent they are the true wattage and btw grow room is pretty damn small very good for 1-2 plants but I'm only growing one as of now


Well-Known Member
The light may be exaggerating coloration but the veins are definitely a darker green. That green color should be the color of the whole leaf


Active Member
The light may be exaggerating coloration but the veins are definitely a darker green. That green color should be the color of the whole leaf

Nowww I see whatcha mean yea they do look a bit light in color hopefully when I start feeding her in a cpl weeks she will be fine by then :/


Well-Known Member
I Think you doing OK, early days yet..as long as you can hold your hand at the top of the Lady and it don't get HOT then She is OK too, do you have a small Fan in GR? small GR perfect way to start and 1 - 2 plants as well, Keep It Simple Stupid(KISS) not aimed at you LOL..just what someone once said to me...kinda makes sense...less to go wrong..Thanks for reply..love seeing/hearing about peeps D.I.Y. Budget Grows...Tis how I started.


Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Damn my phone wouldn't let me edit....I meant banding caused by zinc/high ph...iron is also high ph but doesn't cause banding..my bad
Banding is the large raised blocks .....nvm lol I don't know how to describe
Google zinc deficiency banding


Active Member
I Think you doing OK, early days yet..as long as you can hold your hand at the top of the Lady and it don't get HOT then She is OK too, do you have a small Fan in GR? small GR perfect way to start and 1 - 2 plants as well, Keep It Simple Stupid(KISS) not aimed at you LOL..just what someone once said to me...kinda makes sense...less to go wrong..Thanks for reply..love seeing/hearing about peeps D.I.Y. Budget Grows...Tis how I started.


Happy Growing
yea and I'm grateful I got some experienced growers helping me out. I do have a fan it's always on 24/7 I'll keep this updated I hope in a cpl days she will start growing Rapidly :) thanks for reassuring me 10 days is still a baby lol no matter what my ass is impatient


Well-Known Member
I'm running 6 CFLS equaling out to around 200 watts the lights are all around my plant a complete 360 but idk why she's so damn small..

are there many different reasons for this? Maybe a main reason?

Heres a a pic check her out
OK here ya go...you are being asked a bunch of questions and being told a bunch of different opinions when in fact you are growing your youngling in the wrong medium...looks like African violet soil with a lot of bark which can be very acidic and MJ don't like acidic soil...I recommend that you get some potting soil, or seedling starter mix and transplant that poor little one immediately...peace and good luck