Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

Then no offense, why do you suck Buck's dick in the figurative sense? He wants to destroy all of what I stand for, and if you tell the truth most of what you do as well. You're then guilty of what Buck and his gang have labeled me too.

No, UB is merely pointing out the discrepancies in your logic. I have only observed this on a particular case by case situation, so I do not know the whole picture.

So to be on the same page, what has UB (and gang) labeled you as? Libertarian? Why is that a bad thing? A true libertarian is not a bad thing.

I don't bash you for a lot of things, and if you have noticed, I "Like" some of the points "the other side" has brought to the discussion. But when I disagree or call out bullshit, I do tend to lash out similarly to how UB works. But it also comes from you guys as well. A tit-for-tat if you will.

I am truly middle of the road, I'm just vocal about it one side more than the other, because I think it deserves the attention. Specifically social issues.
No, UB is merely pointing out the discrepancies in your logic. I have only observed this on a particular case by case situation, so I do not know the whole picture.

So to be on the same page, what has UB (and gang) labeled you as? Libertarian? Why is that a bad thing? A true libertarian is not a bad thing.

I don't bash you for a lot of things, and if you have noticed, I "Like" some of the points "the other side" has brought to the discussion. But when I disagree or call out bullshit, I do tend to lash out similarly to how UB works. But it also comes from you guys as well. A tit-for-tat if you will.

I am truly middle of the road, I'm just vocal about it one side more than the other, because I think it deserves the attention. Specifically social issues.
Let's all smoke some weed and play Moon Patrol.
That I'll kill a criminal rather than give him the benefit of the doubt he won't kill me, this is my only life. Fuck the criminal. In 99.9% of the time a woman is a dipshit for valueing her life over that of her child. That's evil, I'd anyone who I even suspect would harm my children, even if it is still in the womb. Any woman who could kill her child has zero respect from me and has my disdain. If I found out a man approved of his child getting aborted, I want nothing to do with them. But if you are truly hurting and I can help, I will try. to help.
That I'll kill a criminal rather than give him the benefit of the doubt he won't kill me, this is my only life. Fuck the criminal. In 99.9% of the time a woman is a dipshit for valueing her life over that of her child. That's evil, I'd anyone who I even suspect would harm my children, even if it is still in the womb. Any woman who could kill her child has zero respect from me and has my disdain. If I found out a man approved of his child getting aborted, I want nothing to do with them. But if you are truly hurting and I can help, I will try. to help.

So the urge for self preservation is evil?
Can I bring my bulbous erection? I rocked out Moon Patrol when I was kid. That and Space Invaders and Galaga.
I sucked at Moon Patrol and Space Invaders. To this day, I've yet to meet someone who can beat me in Galaga.
No. I've only played a few times in the last 10-15 years. I don't see them around much anymore.

Kill all but 2 aliens

Move your ship all the way to the right of the screen. T
ry not to get hit.After 15 minutes they stop shooting at you.
From that point on they will never fire missiles at you.
Kill all but 2 aliens

Move your ship all the way to the right of the screen. T
ry not to get hit.After 15 minutes they stop shooting at you.
From that point on they will never fire missiles at you.

Thanks, if that works I will use it to win some bets.
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Oh, 6 sided dice. There are just too many sides to us. You would never understand.

View attachment 2947319

Superior Godwin.

"Wonder if it would be worldwide news if I punch a random black person" < is what that dumbass said. He deserves to be made an example of, but not at the expense of making it look like its a common thing to go pick out random people and see if you can knock them out, and not to try and justify what the majority are doing because people are afraid to call out a hate crime on black people.

This isn't happening where I live, but if I was to ever become a target I feel for the fucker that tried it cause I always have my px4 with me and I don't have a glass jaw. I'm hoping more of the people playing this "game" get shot in the ass like that one kid who tried to use a stun gun on a dad waiting for his kid at the bus stop. Two 40cal JHP to the ass taught that kid a lesson he will never forget.

I bet you'd get ktfo'd and that would be that.