Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

I find racism actually quite comical especially supremacists of whatever race,.....watched this super ancestor show once idk if anyone has seen it but they named Genghis Kahn....I think Thomas Jefferson was one and several others, I think anyone who thinks they are a "pure" race is quite silly actually.

I mean anyone can get on ancestry.com or fly a family crest and be proud of that but I think its pretty silly to think there is any pure race these days.....as ancestry dot com prolly don't keep track of who banged the milk man one day ect..
probably not as embarrassing as bleating for months about skewed polls, like you did.

what convinced you that all the polls were wrong?

do you want to talk about this more over lunch?

What convinced you the polls weren't skewed?
And where is that tax return you promised to post?
What convinced you the polls weren't skewed?

Did you purposely avoid my question about the tax returns you promised to produce?

goddamn, conservatives are so fucking obsessed with other people's finances.

just worry about your liberal media skewed polls conspiracy theories, cupcake.

i'll show you my tax returns at lunch if you want!


you are a fucking joke.
ooooh, an out of context quote from an eternally bitter guy who joins white supremacy groups!


i bet it doesn't last the night though.
so easy to rile white supremacists like echelon, which is probably why they are white supremacists to begin with.
I think your last 7 post contained the word white supremacist....literally at least 5.

that's because echelon1k1 breaks down and goes full retard when i mention how he repeatedly joined holocaust denial and white supremacy groups here on rollitup.

no one forced echelon to join white supremacy and holocaust denial groups, he made that decision all on his own, over and over again.
does FDD live in texas, or california?

you seem to be confusing your lies about me, which should be embarrassing for you.

however, since you were a former member of white supremacy groups, i doubt much embarrasses you.
The narcissist initiates his own abandonment because of his fear of it. He is so terrified of losing his sources of Narcissistic Supply (and of being emotionally hurt) that he would rather "control", "master", or "direct" the potentially destabilising situation. Remember: the personality of the narcissist has a low level of organization. It is precariously balanced.
Being abandoned could cause a narcissistic injury so grave that the whole edifice can come crumbling down.
that's because echelon1k1 breaks down and goes full retard when i mention how he repeatedly joined holocaust denial and white supremacy groups here on rollitup.

no one forced echelon to join white supremacy and holocaust denial groups, he made that decision all on his own, over and over again.

Yeah I know all that,not to say I know what you say about him is true but I know what you think about it...... I think all RIU knows what you think about it..........it rubs you the wrong way, got it. What if every time someone mentioned their cock it pissed me off? It really doesn't but what if it did and I went on a crusade about it and posted 50k posts about it? What if I called out every atheist on here about not believing in god cause it seriously pissed me off....it doesn't but what if I did and made thousands of post about it?

So I reckon now comes the posts about how racists are worse than bible thumpers or naggy nanny's that don't like potty mouths....and how you beleive racists should be relegated to the fringes of society and what not.........

But the bottom line is that it is not against the law to have a dirty mouth, to not beleive in god or to be a racist.

So how is what you keep on and on and on and on and on repeating on here any different than a Jehova's Witness knocking on your door to dive you a Watchtower 10 times per day?
Yeah I know all that,not to say I know what you say about him is true but I know what you think about it...... I think all RIU knows what you think about it..........it rubs you the wrong way, got it. What if every time someone mentioned their cock it pissed me off? It really doesn't but what if it did and I went on a crusade about it and posted 50k posts about it? What if I called out every atheist on here about not believing in god cause it seriously pissed me off....it doesn't but what if I did and made thousands of post about it?

So I reckon now comes the posts about how racists are worse than bible thumpers or naggy nanny's that don't like potty mouths....and how you beleive racists should be relegated to the fringes of society and what not.........

But the bottom line is that it is not against the law to have a dirty mouth, to not beleive in god or to be a racist.

So how is what you keep on and on and on and on and on repeating on here any different than a Jehova's Witness knocking on your door to dive you a Watchtower 10 times per day?

are you really trying to define some moral equivalence between atheists and white supremacist holocaust deniers?
Yeah I know all that,not to say I know what you say about him is true but I know what you think about it...... I think all RIU knows what you think about it..........it rubs you the wrong way, got it. What if every time someone mentioned their cock it pissed me off? It really doesn't but what if it did and I went on a crusade about it and posted 50k posts about it? What if I called out every atheist on here about not believing in god cause it seriously pissed me off....it doesn't but what if I did and made thousands of post about it?

So I reckon now comes the posts about how racists are worse than bible thumpers or naggy nanny's that don't like potty mouths....and how you beleive racists should be relegated to the fringes of society and what not.........

But the bottom line is that it is not against the law to have a dirty mouth, to not beleive in god or to be a racist.

So how is what you keep on and on and on and on and on repeating on here any different than a Jehova's Witness knocking on your door to dive you a Watchtower 10 times per day?

as to the bolded - mission accomplished.
as to the bolded - mission accomplished.

were you trying to rub me the wrong way when you joined the white supremacy group a second time under the title "tacoburritonacho" group?

was trying to hide what you were doing a subtle ploy to publicize what you were doing?

and why were you so reticent to even admit that you repeatedly joined the white supremacy group if the point was to rub me the wrong way?

your lies don't even agree with your own lies.

better luck next time, white supremacist.