Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

Abortion is one of those things for me where I am pro choice because of my conservative beliefs.

I see it like this, any pregnant woman is carrying around a part of her inside her womb. Any woman who would, for any reason, abort that child of hers is worthy of nothing but contempt. Call it what you want, they synonym of any words used for the process can be stated as "woman murders her child."

On the other hand, I do not believe the federal government should be powerful enough to prevent anything a doctor and his patient decide to do.

I also don't believe the federal government should be powerful enough to stop the states from banning the practice.

Murder is the department of state law, and as such, the states ought to be the ones who decide on the law regarding abortion.

On the flip side, abortion has great economic effects. Per capita, blacks are the most likely to abort, so that's a lot fewer black folks running around today beause of abortion.

The kkk ain't got shit on planned parenthood.
Not all Republicans are racist
But most Racists are Republican
Like Woodrow Wilson or Senator Byrd ( D. W.Virginia) or the founders of the K.K.K. all progressive Democrats. It's the disease of the ill informed who always preach tolerance and equality but use intolerance and divisiveness to achieve their goals. The ends always justify the means to the fascist
Abortion is one of those things for me where I am pro choice because of my conservative beliefs.

I see it like this, any pregnant woman is carrying around a part of her inside her womb. Any woman who would, for any reason, abort that child of hers is worthy of nothing but contempt. Call it what you want, they synonym of any words used for the process can be stated as "woman murders her child."

On the other hand, I do not believe the federal government should be powerful enough to prevent anything a doctor and his patient decide to do.

I also don't believe the federal government should be powerful enough to stop the states from banning the practice.

Murder is the department of state law, and as such, the states ought to be the ones who decide on the law regarding abortion.

On the flip side, abortion has great economic effects. Per capita, blacks are the most likely to abort, so that's a lot fewer black folks running around today beause of abortion.

The kkk ain't got shit on planned parenthood.
Margret Sanger
shotgun420, who you palled around with regularly, was the creator of that group. the group was invitation only. he was the only one who could have sent the invitation, and you accepted it.

not even kelly4 accepted the invitation because he didn't want to be associated with white supremacists in any way.

says a lot about you.
Not even me? Ouch, man!bongsmilie

I was pointing out that progressivism and racism are not mutually exclusive.

True. But more present in conservatism, by definition. Not an insult to conservatives, as I am moderately so. But to the idea of conservatism, that things should stay the same.
Conservatism and progressivism are not political positions. They are political directions. That is not to say that they are analogous to the left\right paradigm. Conservatives desire change only as it pertains to restoration of established norms and progressives want to transform the structure.

"By definition" is a phrase I would not use to correlate conservatism with racism. I'm not disagreeing with the correlation but conservatism isn't racist by definition. It's racist because racism is what is so well established in the US. We don't own the words though. Conservative doesn't mean racist everywhere.

I was pointing out that progressivism and racism are not mutually exclusive.

Racists know no partisan boundary skin tone or ethnicity.

But you have to admit the lions share of them have flocked to the Republican party and for good reason
The Republicans count on them for votes
Dude, could you imagine if see4 was real, how embarrassing it would be, to be such a Bucky suckass?

probably not as embarrassing as bleating for months about skewed polls, like you did.

what convinced you that all the polls were wrong?

how could you possibly be that stupid?

do you want to talk about this more over lunch?