New profile posts

Hi Admin, Im new also not able to send you a direct message. I need to talk to someone knowledgeable about strain phenos Im looking for and dont know how or where to post.
I came across a bag seed YEARS ago that displayed fan leaves in Veg that felt "velvety" soft. It was extremely short, thick stalk. Have you heard of anything like this? Notably the velvet texture to the leaves like that of African Violets.
How did the Mendo Crumble turn out? Ive seen a bunch of hybrid with her and they have been killer. Hoping to see how yours looks
When the plant starts 2 show & visible at what stage do i transfer 2 its bigger pot pls, an when 2 put in Vegetable StGwm
You might get better results posting a thread somewhere at top of page of the site. Like plant problems or general growing. Newbie central, etc. Im not a soil grower so I dont know. Best of luck welcome and happy growing!
Hello everyone!

well, to fill everyone in on whats been going on in my life....
2 dec 22, i was raided, supposedly for stealing a motorcycle. The police fabricated a rediculous story to justify the raid, and really, they came into my property, asking for 5million bucks. if i didnt pay, i would be charged for the drugs and guns they found. I refused to pay, and i was detained.