tobacco mosaic virus

  1. W

    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? What should I do?

    Recently I noticed that a few leaves on one of my plants are showing possible symptoms of TMV. Strange yellowing mottled patterns and curved leaves. Is this TMV and if it is what should I do about it? This plant is in a 4x2 tent with a three others, that do not show any signs. They are all in...
  2. pulpoinspace

    Strange leaf mottling/coloring

    I've got one of three plants about 30 days from seed that is showing some weird color patterns/yellowing on the leaves. I don't think its a deficiency/bugs/pH because it has been there from the very beginning and I've taken measures against all of that. I've included a picture of the plant...
  3. S

    Is this TMV in my clones

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone out there who has experience with tobacco mosaic virus could please give me a second opinion on these clones? I’ve had the virus, diagnosed, it was in everything and was devastating. It comes up again from time to time despite all my best efforts. I’m worried...
  4. S

    Tobacco mosaic virus

    Hey y’all, just wondering if anyone knows what if any nutrient deficiencies might cause this symptom besides TMV? I have had the virus and it was absolutely devastating, cost me years and thousands of dollars. I threw out everything but the lights which I sprayed with bleach, moved my whole...
  5. Louisjr

    Tobacco Mosaic Virus

    I think I may have a problem. I been trying to fix a problem that I thought it was a PH but I been reading more and more about Tobacco Mosaic Virus has Has anyone else dealt with this ? I have only 1 plant out of 20 with leafs like this.... it has many leafs that look like this. And this one...
  6. Stonironi

    What is this crazy problem ???

    This started on one leaf on one plant a long time ago 6 months or so and it is now on every plant I have. They all seem healthy outside of this which is obviously a problem. I have done a lot of research before posting and this has got me to believe that it is tobacco mosaic virus or some kind...