
  1. Rasta Roy

    Why You Don't Need Super soil (video)

    I was too medicated when I made pronounced humus wrong the first time...I had just watered and you can see a power cord for an outtake fan for the carbon filter, just carelessy unplugged and tossed in a water puddle. A wrench, and some fan pieces on the's a stoner's...
  2. S

    Soil mix

    Here's what I have right now after input and looking around locally, 1 cf local promix 1 cf local organic compost 25 lbs local worm castings .5 cf rice hulls .5 cf lava rocks Alfalfa meal 1/2 cup Kelp meal Neem seed meal Crab meal Jobes veg & tomato :2-7-4 Eco scrap organics veg & tomato :5-4-6...
  3. nobodies

    SuperSoil Recipe (Any Suggestions?)

    Hey all. I'm working on a supersoil recipe that I will be using(and tweaking) from now on. So far this is the recipe: 3.8-CF Pro Mix HP High Porosity with Mycorise Perlite in a 1:4 ratio with the pro-mix -- which is about 1 cubic foot of Perlite here. 5 pounds organic worm castings 1 Pounds...
  4. b00n3r

    Canna vs Supersoil vs Botanicare

    Hey everyone! We have been running canna for a while now and have always had excellent quality but lacked yield. We recently started doing organic amended soil (supersoil). Last grow and first half of this grow the organic has outperformed the Canna lineup. We ran up to about 900 ppm last round...
  5. S

    Best Quality Producing, Simple Organic Liquid Nutrient?

    Hello everybody, I am planning on buying some organic nutrients soon for my next batch, as well as maybe mix up some super soil and do a few plants in super soil. My questions today are: What is the best simple organic liquid nutrient I could use that will produce very high quality buds? If I...
  6. breakdancer0003


    DUTCH PASSION MOTHER SELECTION Blue Berry 1 2 OrangeBud 1( weird thin leaf pheno ) 2 (weird leaf structure pheno) 3 WhiteWidow 1 2 3 4 RandomBagSeed -from best sativa I ever smoked 1 FLOWERING LIGHT SET UP -CO2 LINE WOVEN INTO SCROG NET -SCROG NETS ARE 46inches X46 inches SUSPENDED...
  7. Caperfarmer902

    Question about SubCools super soil and liquid nutrients??

    So I know a few people who are wondering the same thing here, I got messages after messages about this question and could never answer it I could only answer the regular questions about deficiencies in a certain macronutrients and how to treat the problems along with toxicity treatments of...