
  1. J

    Nutrient burn? Fungal? Weird strip "suffocating" autoflower seedling

    Hey so I'm new all this, would appreciate some help! Potted 3 mephisto autos around a week ago in 3 gal pots. Used a 1:1 ratio of old potting soil and mushroom compost with a bit of perlite. My other 2 autos seem to be doing fine right now ( about 7 days in). But one girl is showing this really...
  2. Yesyes3000

    Seedlings look off...?

    Hello I’m wondering/worried about my seedlings. They seem to look a little off. Just not as perky as I’m used to. I’m thinking that maybe the soil does not have enough perlite maybe and the roots aren’t getting enough oxygen. I have them in a mix of pro-mix and Roots Organics soil. Maybe it’s...
  3. Budzbuddha

    Trump ‘suggested firing nuclear weapons at hurricanes to stop them hitting US’, report claims

    As the circus continues , the POS of the United States came to the conclusion that to stop hurricanes hitting the U.S . we must use nuclear weapons ..... The source said the briefer was “knocked back on his heels” as Mr Trump went on to suggest dropping a nuclear bomb in the eye of an...
  4. Armyofsprout

    2x4x6 grow, LED 400W journal

    Hello everyone. I’m currently growing 4 plants and want to post my journal. Light: FAMURS 2000W LED Grow Light, Remote Control-Series Grow Lamp with Timer/Thermometer Humidity Monitor and Adjustable Rope,Full Spectrum Plant Light for Indoor Plants Seeding Veg and Flower Grow medium: Soil FF...
  5. Unclebaldrick

    "Progressive" Congresswomen Start To Show Their Stripes

    Tensions Between Pelosi and Progressive Democrats of ‘the Squad’ Burst Into Flame Stories&pgtype=Homepage I have clipped in most of the article below (shortened due to RIU limit), its worth...
  6. Unclebaldrick

    Neoliberal Dutch Wag Dog & False Flag shooting down of MH-17

    Today the corporate toadies of the Netherlands (dutch treat? that's no treat at all!) released trumped up evidence claiming the passenger airliner was shot down by Russia. They named three innocent likely gay Russian tourists and cathedral aficionados and one Ukrainian patriot...
  7. S

    Rob Porter..

    ..hope hicks' new boo has a little wife beating problem.. EXCLUSIVE: Rob Porter RESIGNS from White House after ex-wife tells that Hope Hicks' new boyfriend choked, punched and belittled her about her weight...and the FBI knew all about it Read more...
  8. Cannabis.Queen

    When life gives you thieves, start again..

    So most know my garden was shredded by scalpels and immature people who don't know what they're doing.found bits and pieces of immature bud around my yard, scalpel and a pack of gum.. lucky I found pieces I can clone, hopefully.. I usually post in the outdoor, but not I'll be growing inside...
  9. Cannabis.Queen

    R.I.P plants

    So someone this morning took all my plants, my big mama was too big to cut so they dragged her into the street and shook the root ball apart and snapped it I'm guessing. Plants weren't done, kicking myself because I was going to harvest early due to but rot. I harvested a tiny bit but not...
  10. Unclebaldrick

    Trump's pathetic "Rocket Man" speech at the UN.

    What a dolt Trump is. The whole world is laughing at us; rightly so. Standing up in front of the world delivering a speech that he does not understand and can scarcely read and then delivering a pathetic screed about needing to "destroy North Korea completely" if "Rocket Man" doesn't stop it...
  11. tyler.durden

    New game of hide the sausage fucker

    hello there is a new game of hide the sausage fucker always just walk up and say hi sausage fucker and we will get fucked up bullshit and u win ass (amount of ass depends on when u find me and how much i have spent on beer) but 20 50 100 minutes is the normal plus we get super gay...
  12. CommanderTRON

    Overwatered vs Underwatered

    Quick question cannabis growers. The plants in these pics over or Underwatered? Thanks a mill.
  13. FarisTheBaris

    Seedling seems sad :( What should I do???

    Ok so this seedling ( ) seems sad and its leafs are hanging down.What can/should i do to make him as healthy as my other seedlings ( ) pleas help !?!? and yes i know the pot is to big but i water them in a way that they can...
  14. Tripstermoe

    First post; First grow.

    Hello all! This is my very first post on any forum ever! Okay so this is my first grow ever. Considering that I do know that my set up is very amateur. It could be highly improved. However this is what I have to work with. If this grow works out I'll be sure to make major improvements. With that...
  15. PapaPit

    Not quite leagal in fla (YET)

    Its not leagal here in fla yet but when I lived in seattle a few years ago I had my green card and all as a matter a fact I was there when they posted it as a recreational use drug, but then I moved to this SHITHOLE in the south, and yes,, after living in seattle, Iowa, kentucky, michigan, Ohio...