monster cropping

  1. HamGreasy


    So without knowing what monster cropping was, i clipped a flowering clone for fun off of one of my snowcap plants. I stuck the cutting in water for 2 weeks and noticed roots. Stuck the sucker in a solo cup with some FFOF, put it in my window and didn't give it any special treatment. Here it...
  2. PeachyBuds

    Clones from a monstercropped plant?

    Hey everyone. I just cut clones today and put them under 18/6, and I didn't realize til a bit ago that the way I went about it was monster cropping! I had my terms mixed up lol. I had to weed out males, so I went ahead and flowered the original plants for a couple weeks before cutting clones...
  3. Honey Oil Riot Squad

    Monster Cropping: Suggestions on best way to take clone in flower?

    Hello, I'm wondering if anybody out there has experience or know about "monster cropping" plants. This is where you take a clone from a flowering plant, and force it back into veg. Supposedly, this creates "Multi-branched Monsters" due to the cuttings reaction from reverting back to veg. The...