light kelvin spectrum vegging flowering blooming

  1. Tht_Blk_Guy27

    Color Temperature (kelvin)

    im currently in the market for new lights and i keep seeing more and more companies make use of a particular datapoint (Color Temperature). Can anybody give me insight? There's a light i'd like to purchase however, it has the potion of choosing from 1750K-4000K and i know its K for Kelvin but i...
  2. pghkidd

    Light spectrum and Kelvin I'm currently running 4 14w 2700k CFLs 1 23w 3500k CFL 1 30w 3700 bright white mounted overhead to a power strip with 3 Y connections. I also have 3 18" T8s 15w 3000k each mounted vertically but only 1 in use. My grow box is 36"x18"x18" My question is in veg it should be around 6500...