
  1. 420scarecrow

    legal nb acmpr grower raid video

    This guy is a legal grower, cops had no warrant, & did no prior health canada check... lawsuit time...
  2. Tom Tucker 313


    The original artical can be found at: The Cato Institute’s Ilya Shapiro recently spoke at the Law School concerning the status of relaxed state marijuana laws in light of the federal...
  3. TheApache

    Outdoor Liability question.

    Let's say someone had a farm, far from where they live, let's say 4 hour drive away. If they did a relatively small grow on random parts of their property and the Feds somehow found the plants can they prove that the owner(s) planted it or can they assume someone else did? Also, thank you for...
  4. MrBoard

    Applying for Federal EIN - MMJ Business in California

    Hello, I want to apply for an EIN with the IRS for my MMJ Business. We are going to produce bubble hash in California for resale at CA dispensaries. So, to be clear, we will be buying material to process into bubble hash and then vending it to dispensaries throughout the state. I want to make...
  5. Abiqua

    WASHINGTON STATE STUDY LOOKS AT HOME-GROWN RECREATIONAL POT OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -- Washington state lawmakers are split on whether to allow residents to grow recreational marijuana in their homes, so they've implemented a study to...
  6. P

    Medical Cannabis Certifications in Illinois

    Pied Pfeifer Compassionate Care Clinic is proud to announce offices open in Illinois offering assistance for current and any new patients. Certifications can now be received after one office visit, instead of the mandatory three that were previously required. We have an offices open in Homewood...
  7. B

    Drug Court

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the site.. here's my question/dilemma.. as the title says I'm on drug court, and I like to get high (go figure) I take random drug screens so I can't partake right now, but what I can do is spice like plants.. my prob is I only have one plug and that's not very...
  8. spectator45

    So. Calif. now legal. But this year we need to grow our own.

    Hello! There was a huge victory in that November 2016 election for California because we legalized recreational cannabis! Forget about those sleazy politicians and rejoice! In it's infinite wisdom, though, no licenses will be issued to retailers until 2018 at the earliest. So my great state...
  9. jollygreen

    Employment Tips?

    Hey all, Been on this site for a while now, active on and off and am incredibly thankful for all the tips and feedback I've received on here! I stopped growing about a year ago due to security concerns and now I've been focusing on continuing to study in my spare time. I am 100% sure that I...
  10. H

    Questions about growing in oregon

    Howdy folks, I'm planning on moving to oregon in about 18 months to pursue legal growing, do you think its fesiable to pay for a teir 1 liscene, buy/rent enough space to run a 5000 sq foot grow with enough room for drying and curing , and fund all of the associated costs like electricity and the...
  11. AutoNorCal

    CO2 extraction companies

    Does anyone know of any CO2 extraction company is located in the bay area of California; that will take your grown material and turned it into the product which you keep?
  12. Cannacat

    I have 1000 words to explain medical cannabis....

    The company I work for runs a bi-annual magazine and I'm normally really active in its production but my personal circumstances mean I've not been as involved this time around. The magazine is for service users, people who are, in many cases, on antidepressants or have addictions to various...
  13. Andrew2112

    How is selling cannabis seeds online in California Legal?

    Even if it is a medical patient or a collective or dispensary that requires one to be a legal patient. How is it legal to mail the seeds across the State or throughout the country?
  14. X

    Growing Personal Plants on Medical Farm

    I've been looking everywhere to find an answer to my question but I can not seem to find anything. Anyway, in about a month I will be moving to Oregon and living on a commercial medical cannabis farm. I think they are growing 48 plants and they have patients which the plants are assigned to. So...
  15. I

    Cops entered Home and found Personal Grow Operation

    Hey guys, like the title suggests, the cops had a "domestic violence" call due to a heated argument between two family members, and entered the house. Upon entering they found the grow room and asked if anyone had a "permit" to grow this, to which I responded by showing my doctors...
  16. MickeyMFNMouse

    Scary Tech Support

    Yeah, I don't know if I'm overthinking this, but my friend freaked me out worse about it. I'm a webcammer. And I had some issues going online. I clicked to chat with support and asked was it normal for the screen to freeze skip sometimes. He tells me my computer might not be powerful enough. And...
  17. P

    Marijuana Survey

    This is a short survey for a fictional medical marijuana project for school. This shouldn't take longer than 7 minutes but would be a huge help for me. Thank you!
  18. I

    detective calls my phone, says she didnt?

    So being the shady person I am there is no room to assume the best of anything going on around me. I called back, she stated her status as a detective, I repeated that she was the one who called, and she denied it saying I called her. I look at my phone log and it said otherwise. What does this...
  19. elkamino

    Grow space "impossible" to find in Anchorage, says Realtor

    Here's a solid but frustrating review of the rental market for wannabe legal growers in ANC. From yesterday's Alaska Journal of Commerce. Apparently industrial buildings are already 98% occupied, and ginormous buffers around daycares and churches complicate things further. Landlords willing to...
  20. kindasobr

    What do RI patients / caregivers do w/ excess harvest weight?

    As I'm sure most of you know, the possession weight limit of "smokeable" mmj is 2.5 oz. While I'm all sure we can agree the law is vague at best and full of gray areas, what I want to know / am curious about is; if you legally grow in the state of RI and you keep it legit, what do you do with...