grow room build

  1. S

    How long should the VEG time be for 7 plants in a 5x5?

    I only have one TSW2000 (300 watt) light tho. I'm thinking maybe I should a lights strips that I have as supplemental lighting? They are 7w. Does anyone have experience growing indoors? They are old seeds and I have yet to try and see how many grows. Any advice would be super helpful! First...
  2. Friendly_Grower

    New Beginnings: Tricking out a rough Grow-Room.

    About almost two decades ago I built a sixteen square foot organic soil planter bed grow-box in the back end of a twenty foot travel trailer. It was a wonderful time. As it turned out being in such small quarters and running a 1000 watt HPS required that the incoming air be cold. when I moved...