
  1. The-Budster

    Is it Mould?

    I have some bud , around an OZ to OZ & 1/2 curing in a jar at the moment. It has been there for about 4 weeks. The thing is I am not sure what to do now, I think it might be moldy..... It is NOT a web like mold but rather white dots, just like trichomes but when I look at them under a 60x...
  2. F

    HELP!>I spray'd 2 much Alcohol on leaves with mites, plant is dying! Newb, rapid responses, please .

    My outside, turned inside, unidentified plant(soil) was soon to be ready to harvest(2-3 weeks away) until my wife found mites while looking at triches through a loop. She freaked and without me first researching it, she asked me to spray an alcohol based homemade spray to kill the mites. Before...
  3. Nugachino

    Cure Jar.

    Hi peeps. Your friendly neighbourhood idiot here. I've decided to use one of the old 400g moccona jars that normally get thrown out. I stripped all the glue and labels. And gave it a thorough wash. Now. I've gone and poked small holes in the lid. Added two sheets of paper towel to the...
  4. Alec420

    killing thrips when drying

    how to kill thrips when drying
  5. GreenLogician

    Electric jar burper

    Hello, I saw this product and ordered one already, maybe a bit hastily, I cannot find reviews on it. It seems new, have any of you guys heard of it or used it? the CureCork It monitors humidity and replaces the air in your jar once humidity reaches a chosen level. (It can be slotted into a...
  6. F

    A CURE for the CURE

    Hey Grow Bros and Grow Gals.... I'm on edge.... WHY?? Because I have a autoF Purple Kush about a third of the way unto completion . Doesn't sound like I should be on edge right? Sure....all the expensive meters and ferts and luminous rigs means NOTHING if your dry/cure is off. All those...
  7. elfo777

    Drying and curing in arid zone

    Hello! I live in an arid climate and my humidity is always around 28-40%. When I finished my first grow, everything went OK except for the curing. When I jarred my buds, after 1 week all my herb was dry and crunchy. I could turn to dust some buds just squeezing them. I was looking for a method...
  8. sunchild_sc

    My First Flush!

    Hey guys, newbie grower here, not far from harvest an looking to flush for the next 2wks. I have em sitting in 3.5 gallon pots [16ltrs] and wanted to know how much water would you flush them with? also if someone could breakdown the process for me that would be much appreciated. Correct me...
  9. G

    Cure last hope

    So I made it to harvest and made many mistakes along the way. The bud is airy but does smell like bud very sticky and lots of trichomes. Now at the curing stage and my last hope to improve on the final step before smoke. After reading many different ways of curing my question is , How much can...
  10. P


    someine closed the lid on my drying box a couple days ago and I've just discovered moldy buds! Are they screwed???
  11. S

    Drying and curing

    Hey fellow green thumbs. I am in the process of drying and it seems like my cannabis is drying faster than I would like. Today is day 3 and they are starting to get crispy on the outside and appear to be ready for jars soon. My drying room is 73 degrees and the relative humidity is 49.5%. I...
  12. JN811

    Curing methods

    Hi all, It's about that time where we will be chopping and curing. Our last grow was pretty awesome if I say so myself. We yielded over a lb dry in a 4x4 grow tent. I'll attach an image if you're curious what it looks like. The one issue I had was our buds were overly dried after curing. We...
  13. JanesRain

    Should I Run A Fan Over Drying Buds?

    Wondering if I should have a fan on my hanging buds or not? They're in a dark room with a small USB fan about 5 feet away, just enough to move them a bit and keep the air circulating Anything wrong with that?:leaf::leaf::weed:
  14. Grahamgreengardener

    Drying in greenhouse

    High! can any gardener tell me if bud will dry properly in a greenhouse? Bud won't be ready for harvest ontill mid September. Living in damp ol Ireland. Any one with any knowledge or experience with them humydry things that remove moisture from the air? Any info is appreciated folks.
  15. Alec420

    Just harvested, now drying.....

    my temp is around 80f , RH is 60 more or less Is this fine to hang dry? should i worry about mold? was planning to cut more leaves off in 3-4 days and continue drying for another 2-3 days
  16. D

    Grassy smell during drying stage!!

    ok, so I chopped my plants whole and hung them up to dry totally intact. Fan leaves and all. I did this because I wanted to try the dry on the vine method in attempts to savor the flavor & smell by slowing down the drying process (advice I've gather over the past few months). Typically I trim...
  17. ligrow

    How to avoid mold in drying and curing stage

    good day guys, My plants still about a month away to havarest. I'm worry about the drying and curing process as I will pull more this run. Need long term storage for the buds. I have done two way to dry. And get mold either way. 1. Trim them to finished shape,but don't break the nugs drying on...
  18. T

    Tent and scrubber question

    what's size scrubber/carbon filter will be effecient to clean the air of a 2x4x6 tent? This will be used just for drying my buds. Thanks guys
  19. Irishindica


    Soo I have a grow underway (7 fd autos). I was just wondering if anyone has ever tried an outdoor dry in a northern climate.. should be finished August. Just looking to see if any of you knowledgeable people have any tricks up your sleeves
  20. K

    First time growing - need some help!

    Hi, I am new here! I'd like to have my first grow this summer and I need your advise. I already have about 75-100 high-cbd cannabis seeds that I got for free because some guy in British Columbia was giving out over 1 million cannabis seeds as civil disobedience to pressure the Canadian...