
  1. Team Vault

    Breeder Focus #001 - Female Seeds - *Win Seeds via The Blog Post

    We like to promote the breeders we work with at The Vault through a number of different ways like promo's, freebies and giveaways. We've rolled that into one with this new series on 'Ask The Breeder'. As well as a normal compo (enter to win via comments in the blog post), you can get an insight...
  2. Team Vault

    14 Chances to Win x5 Phoenix Seeds - Vault Promo

    Hello people of RollItUp, Phoenix Seeds Promo Alert! Like and Comment to Enter! Your chance to win upto 14 packs of x5 Phoenix Seeds! Entry details are in the blog post, Facebook & Grasscity. Up for grabs on RollItUp are: (4 prizes of)... Blueberry Fems – x5 RIU White Widow Fems – x5 RIU...
  3. Team Vault

    Can you add to The Vault's Canna Playlist?

    Hi peeps We've started a Spotify playlist lately within the office. We are trying to make it into a big playlist ideal for people within the Canna World. It's set to collaboriatve, so please feel free to add your own tracks ;-)...
  4. Team Vault

    Sweet Seeds ® 48 Hour Discount At The Vault

    Sweet Offer from Sweet Seeds ® everyone. Get yourself a 15% discount code for all Sweet Seeds ® - seeds, on our website for the next 48 hours! Did we say 'seeds enough times there? ;-) Enjoy - from #TeamVault #Sweeeet
  5. Team Vault

    Extra Free Seed at The Vault For All Orders over £50

    We've just launched a new month long promo; 'Don't be Thrifty - Spend 50'. Essentially, if you spend £50 with the Vault you get two free seeds at the moment. We are upping the game with the addition of an RQS NL Auto bringing it up to 3 free seeds (+more if you go over £100 and then £200). We...
  6. Team Vault

    Don't Get The Freebie Jeebies

    Don't get the 'Freebie Jeebies' with this updated guide to the latest deals from The Vault! Free seeds with all orders and at varying levels of spend! Breeders on offer are: Barney's Farm Sweet Seeds Medical Marijuana UK Kannabia Seeds Female Seeds Heavyweight Seeds CLICK TO READ...
  7. Team Vault

    Kannabia Freebies – Spend £100 to Get Free Seeds

    We're never far away from running a competition or promo here at The Vault and to continue that trend, we are happy to announce our cool new partnership with the team Kannabia. If you spend over £100 on seeds at The Vault you will qualify for a free Kannabia Seed. Choose from: Mataro Blue or...
  8. Team Vault

    Expert Seeds Social Media Competition from The Vault

    A heads up for everyone in the forum. We have posted a compo on 3 of our Social Media Channels where you can win some 25 packs of Expert Seeds (3 prizes available). You can find the links to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram page to enter via this blog post! Look out for an Expert Seeds 15%...
  9. Team Vault

    May The 4th Be With You - Win Seeds & Get a 14% Discount Code too

    May the 4th Be With You! Check out our great Promo to celebrate this special day by winning one of our 4 prizes via our blog > - Skywalker Kush Fems x2 (6packs) - White Yoda Auto Fems x2 (5packs) Also, for the next 4 days, there is 14% off all our seeds. Check out the blog post for the...