I melted a hole in the lid of the 5L DWC Res. and pushed in this triangular drill bit as a stopper (so light cant get into the root6 area) ..this will allow me to use a small syphon pump to do my Res change/s without disturbing the plant at all
I decided to test the air-pump & lines.. all was working perfectly .. and nice and quietly too!
I also installed this 2nd Thermometer..
This area will be hoovered and cleaned soon, You can see though there is some light in the Res.. I've pin-pointed the main leak..its around the rim were the lid clips on.. I'll get this sorted this week
I also took the opportunity to hide the cable from my mini backward facing desk fan
I've started to sort out the light-leaks..
I'll show off what I did next ..firstly

..,I know I know I was going to do an arced SCROG, But! I decided to just go with the Horizontal one for now..

...After a well deserved spliff and beer break I got on with it
I installed the SCROG Screen, and tidied all the cables..
So far so good

I added a Smoke Alarm, (piece of mind)

b.. and added an extra hook for my utensils..
'Unfortunatley I'am still waiting for my 2 other CPU fans to be delivered so I can get the lighting rig fully installed, sealed and ready to go' however I have made time to make sure the CPU's I cut the corners off did fit inside the ducting connecters etc..
There's a few tweeks etc still to be done but you can see its really starting to look good...I'am very pleased with how this project is turning out
Anyhow getting back to those light leaks.. I cut a pice of flat-ish wood o size and added it to the left door on the cab..
The section of wood has helped, but its not perfect.. I will spend some more time perfecting this job this coming week.. I hope y'all enjoyed this weeks update.. !? - ZTELTHY