hahah yea man give it a tryman i cant get enough of the bud factorys in pong cups finnally put one in the case on 12 well see how it goes rite hahaha but yeah man great as always
YEA I THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD MIX!!! DONT WORRY WHEN IT HAPPENS U KNOW ILL HOOK U UP MAN ....GOT TO LOOK OUTthat would be an interesting cross. something tells me a cross like that would flourish outside. be potent has fuck with good mold resistence, bag apeal, and much lesser flowering time. ill take a few off your hands bro
OOO YEA I WILL DEF DO THEM BOTH .. I ALREADY HAVE A TINY BIT OF POLLIN WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO POLLENATE THEM?def do that zona too im digging the thc on it. and the other more hybrid sativa pollinate that to. but always always keep the pure sour kush around too. its just some indica bliss bro
OK IAM WAITIN ON A COUPLE MORE OF THE PODS TO DRY I HAVE IT IN A PILL BOTTLE BUT THERE IS A SHIT LOAD ON THE MALE OUTSIDEpollinate now, so about the time the buds are done so will the seeds
hahaha yea that shit is crazy who knows plants do all kinds of shit hahahahahyeah man about that male i have never seen a male grow hairs ever!!!!!. that shit is cool. its either from the stress of moving to new grow medium, or fucking with the roots, or 4 generations of inbredding maybe taking its toll lol
yea its alot hahah my other plant (the unknown girl ) iam convensed it is 100% sativa looks alot dif than the zona i will posted a few pics of it later!!!thats a good amount of resin for a near pure sativa.
haha its still there and as of 3 days ago still has not shown sex so dont know what will happen to it cause it will be startin to get cold soon!!!!w/e became of that shit you put outside man?