Zombie Guts


Well-Known Member
I was just watching this week's Walking Dead and I was wondering, why don't the characters stay covered in zombie guts almost all of the time? It has worked every time the show has done this, so why doesn't every character do this on a regular basis? They are always running from and fighting zombies when there really isn't a need to do so. Even Michonne showed us that walking around with neutered zombies is an easy, peaceful way to not have to confront the undead, and they carry your gear as a bonus. Did she forget all the months she lived like that? This is just a huge hole in the logic that I've never witnessed anyone else discuss. I still love the show, and I understand there would really be no story if they took my suggestion. But, c'mon now...
I was just watching this week's Walking Dead and I was wondering, why don't the characters stay covered in zombie guts almost all of the time? It has worked every time the show has done this, so why doesn't every character do this on a regular basis? They are always running from and fighting zombies when there really isn't a need to do so. Even Michonne showed us that walking around with neutered zombies is an easy, peaceful way to not have to confront the undead, and they carry your gear as a bonus. Did she forget all the months she lived like that? This is just a huge hole in the logic that I've never witnessed anyone else discuss. I still love the show, and I understand there would really be no story if they took my suggestion. But, c'mon now...

Ive thought about that

But get this

The prison was surrounded by walkers

The black chick walked with walkers

So wouldn't the prison NOT attract walkers
Don't watch tv, but I bet when they shoot at zombies/eachother, they miss at under 100 yards consistently with their high power rifles, but are deadly with small caliber handguns at 200+ yards when needed. . Firefights involve so much badassery, participants run across the line of fire, strafing and ducking hot lead like they were a champion dodge ball squad. But, all it takes is someone missing enough times to get pissed off, and in comes someone who 3 episodes prior didn't even know how to load a firearm, and now they reach out and touch people at a distance, just because they are angry enough now to do so. Because getting angry is how you make a firearm work for you.

Logic in a tv show? I'll help you find it right after I get back from Unicorn hunting.
Ya, there are tons of loop holes in the show. I still watch it and I respect your allegiance to the show but it's pretty far gone now. Although, I will say this season has peaked my interest more than the last couple.
First, Michonne had those walkers for a long time and she still carried a weapon as it was not 100% effective. According to that logic two walkers would be needed per person and that would be a lot of walkers to keep track of. Second, they cannot carry gear for very long as they decompose over time. Third, as far as accuracy with handguns, I think you are grossly overstating the distance as I have yet to see anyone shoot anything with a handgun at even 150 yards (unless you have no idea how far that actually is). Fourth, for peoples knowledge of weapons, you do realise that time is different on the show. Even though you saw someone last week or two weeks ago not know something, when we come back time has passed.

Also, you say that they dodge bullets with ease and also that they miss with weapons at a distance. So, which is it? Are they really good at dodging or are people not as good of a shot as you say they are? Fifth they are trying their very best to keep what little humanity they have left and being covered in guts day after day, may make some people crack. Hell, there are cannibals on the show and it would be real easy to go down that path to survive but, Rick and the others choose to be better than that and find other ways to survive. Sixth, the prison attracted walkers as they made noise in the prison, did not mind being seen by the walkers (protected by the fence), and the smells of people, animals, and food cooking would attract them. Remember, it is a herd mentality with walkers and when one does something, others will follow. Go into a public place and start looking up or down like you are trying to find something, eventually people around you will start to do the same thing without any vocal cues.

One last thing, in the end it is a TV show and will not be perfect.
Ive thought about that
But get this
The prison was surrounded by walkers
The black chick walked with walkers
So wouldn't the prison NOT attract walkers

I think I understand your logic, but I can see the writers' take on this: The prison originally was overrun by walkers before they cleared it out (which was SO badass) - the shear size of the prison with the surrounding fences acts like a net to randomly wandering zombies - there are always live people visible inside the fences as bait to hungry walkers - plus (SPOILER ALERT) that little psycho bitch was feeding them rats and shit, treating them like pets. So, I can see the writers' logic here on why the prison would constantly surrounded...
Don't watch tv, but I bet when they shoot at zombies/eachother, they miss at under 100 yards consistently with their high power rifles, but are deadly with small caliber handguns at 200+ yards when needed. . Firefights involve so much badassery, participants run across the line of fire, strafing and ducking hot lead like they were a champion dodge ball squad. But, all it takes is someone missing enough times to get pissed off, and in comes someone who 3 episodes prior didn't even know how to load a firearm, and now they reach out and touch people at a distance, just because they are angry enough now to do so. Because getting angry is how you make a firearm work for you.

Logic in a tv show? I'll help you find it right after I get back from Unicorn hunting.

Great point, especially since they have such limited ammo. How do they afford to teach all these people to be expert shots?
I'd be covered in guts with 10 walkers tied to me at all times. I would also carry a gun, knife, sword, screw driver, ice pick, Chinese throwing stars, and a sharp stick.
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I forgot to mention this Tyler but, very recently in the comics they address the issue of the wearing the guts and it looks like a new threat has emerged to the group.
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I forgot to mention this Tyler but, very recently in the comics they address the issue of the wearing the guts and it looks like a new threat has emerged to the group.

First, Michonne had those walkers for a long time and she still carried a weapon as it was not 100% effective. According to that logic two walkers would be needed per person and that would be a lot of walkers to keep track of. Second, they cannot carry gear for very long as they decompose over time. Third, as far as accuracy with handguns, I think you are grossly overstating the distance as I have yet to see anyone shoot anything with a handgun at even 150 yards (unless you have no idea how far that actually is). Fourth, for peoples knowledge of weapons, you do realise that time is different on the show. Even though you saw someone last week or two weeks ago not know something, when we come back time has passed.

Those walkers Michonne had lasted from the start of the epidemic to the prison, that's over a winter so I'm guessing about a year. Dispose of your Pack Walkers annually, not much maintenance. They had perhaps 30 people max at the prison, that's 60 walkers to maintain. Not too bad, they could even tie them to the fences to ward off some of the outside zombies. It wasn't 100%, but quite the advantage nevertheless...

Also, you say that they dodge bullets with ease and also that they miss with weapons at a distance. So, which is it? Are they really good at dodging or are people not as good of a shot as you say they are? Fifth they are trying their very best to keep what little humanity they have left and being covered in guts day after day, may make some people crack. Hell, there are cannibals on the show and it would be real easy to go down that path to survive but, Rick and the others choose to be better than that and find other ways to survive. Sixth, the prison attracted walkers as they made noise in the prison, did not mind being seen by the walkers (protected by the fence), and the smells of people, animals, and food cooking would attract them. Remember, it is a herd mentality with walkers and when one does something, others will follow. Go into a public place and start looking up or down like you are trying to find something, eventually people around you will start to do the same thing without any vocal cues.

Your 5th point about losing it, I think the show has shown these folks to be more resilient than that. They had to daily kill dozens of walkers off the fences by putting rebar through their eye sockets, and each pull out seemed to slightly cover people with gore. Plus, people got pretty messy from hand-to-hand combat with zombies everyday so they were often slightly covered in gore. Didn't seem to phaze them much. All your other points I agree with, good insight...

One last thing, in the end it is a TV show and will not be perfect.

Totally, I don't mind smaller holes. Just the ones you can drive a truck through ;)
There is a difference between some gore occasionally and being covered in it day in and day out. Also, to anyone who has not read the comics, the comics are much darker and way more brutal.
There is a difference between some gore occasionally and being covered in it day in and day out. Also, to anyone who has not read the comics, the comics are much darker and way more brutal.

Perhaps. All I know is I would have been one of the people that chose to be incinerated at the CDC at the end of the second season. One last good meal, a hot shower, drunk on wine then goodbye cruel world!
Perhaps. All I know is I would have been one of the people that chose to be incinerated at the CDC at the end of the second season. One last good meal, a hot shower, drunk on wine then goodbye cruel world!

Really?! I think you say that as you will never be in that situation which is why it is so fascinating to imagine how people would react. Honestly, I think every single person when put in an extreme situation like that would do almost anything to survive. Granted, the scientist saw a future so bleak that maybe he could not imagine anything positive ever coming to fruition.
Really?! I think you say that as you will never be in that situation which is why it is so fascinating to imagine how people would react. Honestly, I think every single person when put in an extreme situation like that would do almost anything to survive. Granted, the scientist saw a future so bleak that maybe he could not imagine anything positive ever coming to fruition.

Yeah, plus he just had to kill his wife who was one of the last hopes for a cure. But while I think I'm a pretty tough guy, I don't really dig being out in rustic nature, and I HATE camping. While I probably could survive a while, I probably wouldn't see the point. Everything I now live for would be gone in that world, and while I love life, I've accepted we're all going to die and I've lived a really full life already. Pretty sure I would choose a painless vaporization instead of becoming an eventual zombie snack...