Apical Bud
Well-Known Member
Hi there! I seem to have this problem quite frequently. I grow in soil, 1/4 coco, 1/4 steer manure, 1/4 top soil, 1/4 miracle grow potting soil. I also added a small amount of a kelp-based nitrogen fertilizer, a sprinkling of miracle grow tomato food (18 18 21), and the recommended amount of dolomite lime. The pH is 6.8 and has been between 6-7 the whole grow. I believe the salinity of this soil was initially too high, and over the course of a few days I flushed all the plants I used it with until the run off looked more like tea rather than coca cola (which initially it did look like). I haven't flushed in three weeks. A few of my plants are doing well but most have identical symptoms to the ones in the picture. I can't seem to pin point what my problem could be. I believe it's a deficiency and not a lock-out problem because my pH is good and I have only added a small amount of amendments. Any ideas?