Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC

OMG I didn't know this nutcase started so many threads for Zimmy. I don't know if I should laugh or help DD get some professional help........FUck it lol :D:grin::-D
GO LEARN SOMETHING.....typical liberal response there douchebag.....but sorry, I have no sig at the moment, although I could re-sig your pathetic life story. Done any volunteer work lately or are you just rhetoric?

does following hispanics around the grocery store count as charity work?

running away from some stranger that's following you is writing a check you can't cash and worthy of death?

I generally stay out of this topic because it's clearly about race for people, a young man tragically died and the adult involved got away scot free and is about to be a millionaire because of the racial shit.

Having that though. You've got to a friggen idiot race baiter to make the claim that Martin ran away. He was young and athletic but was run down by a short dumpy slob? GTFO with your race baiting lies.
I generally stay out of this topic because it's clearly about race for people, a young man tragically died and the adult involved got away scot free and is about to be a millionaire because of the racial shit.

Having that though. You've got to a friggen idiot race baiter to make the claim that Martin ran away. He was young and athletic but was run down by a short dumpy slob? GTFO with your race baiting lies.
How is he about to become a millionaire. His case was dismissed.
Martin did run away ( Zimmerman said as much) Zimmerman got out of his car to chase. Maybe TM thought he had lost the creepy guy, but as we know he didn't. Why did Zimmerman feel the need to get out the car and follow/chase after TM ?
I notice that you try to appear that you are neutral,but your writings tell a very different story.
How is he about to become a millionaire. His case was dismissed.
Martin did run away ( Zimmerman said as much) Zimmerman got out of his car to chase. Maybe TM thought he had lost the creepy guy, but as we know he didn't. Why did Zimmerman feel the need to get out the car and follow/chase after TM ?
I notice that you try to appear that you are neutral,but your writings tell a very different story.

No wat that slob runs down a fit 17 year old.

Go ahead an assert whatever thoughts to me makes you feel better about yourself.

There was also the interview with the gf who said the last thing TM said to her on the phone was Ima handle this.

The kid got creeped out about being followed and most likely did what I would have done. Confront the man and ask why I'm being followed. It's stupid to think he tried to run away and was caught from behind by GZ.

It's the usual expected bs from Sharptonites.
How is he about to become a millionaire. His case was dismissed.
Martin did run away ( Zimmerman said as much) Zimmerman got out of his car to chase. Maybe TM thought he had lost the creepy guy, but as we know he didn't. Why did Zimmerman feel the need to get out the car and follow/chase after TM ?
I notice that you try to appear that you are neutral,but your writings tell a very different story.

he conveniently ignores that zimerman was out there for 5 minutes after hanging up his call, with TWO flashlights and a loaded gun, one in the chamber, while martin was talking on his phone until 30 seconds before zimmerman found him and killed him.

but of course that's all the little black kid's fault.