Zimmerman Gun Auction


Well-Known Member
are time share presentations like what you see on tv? .. come look at my shit and ill give you golf clubs? serious question. you dont seem to old man, why dont you go get into a trade? the works there right now, strike while the irons hot man. this was a serious post by the way..

i might seem more right, i dont know what i am lol. but like i said, its annoying when a whole group of people get brought down just because of a select few people. im a whitey.. and we've done some terrible things.. if youre a whitey, do you hate yourself?
I'm a whitey. I'm not ashamed of anything. I'm not proud of it either. I only say that to the extent anyone should have pride in their skin color, no one has more to be proud of than white people. Becuse all men have done aweful things.

But as to your point about a trade... I've never done anything like that. Sales is my trade. I've done very little work with my hands. How does one get started in something like that without working for 10 an hour as a helper for years? I couldn't take that kind of hit.


Well-Known Member
I'm a whitey. I'm not ashamed of anything. I'm not proud of it either. I only say that to the extent anyone should have pride in their skin color, no one has more to be proud of than white people. Becuse all men have done aweful things.

But as to your point about a trade... I've never done anything like that. Sales is my trade. I've done very little work with my hands. How does one get started in something like that without working for 10 an hour as a helper for years? I couldn't take that kind of hit.
go to school... i took a short welding course.. 6 month.. thats what i thought i wanted to do.. i made real good money for my age at the time. 26 an hour plus time and half overtime. which was real easy to get into.. i was working 14-16 hour days. but i was doing pretty well for the time. i was right out of school, like 19-20.. even if youre making only 10 an hour as a helper.. odds are it wont be taxed, but if you never had to use your hands, its not the work for you.. i tried sales when i went to florida, lasted maybe a couple days.. when id talk to someone and theyd be like.. not interested.. id just be like oh ok have a good one. im not good at the pressuring people thing when what im selling is bullshit


Well-Known Member
an independent contractor to work at a call center?


might as well claim you are a 1099 making sandwiches at subway with your next sock puppet, bignbushy.
yup they are fucking him over.. wait til tax time and he owes


Well-Known Member
an independent contractor to work at a call center?


might as well claim you are a 1099 making sandwiches at subway with your next sock puppet, bignbushy.
You need to make up your mind as to whether I work for subway or work at a call center.

Which ever one you decide on, youd be wrong.

I work at a resort man. We meet with people who have been 'bribed' to come see us. They come in. We sell them or we don't. I've been doing this for 3 years. I started out booking the meetings. Two years ago I got into selling the product.

Idk where you came up with this call center bull shit.

Truth is, I could have a really good month one month. And i could not make a dime the next month. But I made more in October and November last year than someone who works for 12 an hour does for working all year.

We had a bump for spring break, after memorial day It's on. I love it.

The work seems streaky. Everyone goes through slumps. But shit, anyone decent can have at least one month where they make 15 grand. But you'll break even one month also. One has to budget. That's the aspect that is like owning a business.


Virtually Unknown Member
George Zimmerman's auction for the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin has closed ... and the winning bid topped $120,000.

We're told roughly 7 verified users participated in the bidding war. Zimmerman has to verify the winner and his or her funds before the sale is finalized. The top bidder is anonymous at this point, due to the auction site's rules.

TMZ previously reported United Gun Group decided to pull the listing due to fake bids driving up the price. The site added a private email verification to sift out the fake bids.

There are reports the gun sold for $138k, but we're told that number is one of those fake bids.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2016/05/18/george-zimmerman-trayvon-martin-gun-sold/#ixzz495xM41W4