not a gun phobe, have several.I don't carry, so I am almost never armed. I do have a handgun at home, and I do shoot occasionally just for fun.
Actually, it is gun-phobes who have no faith in their fellow man. Isn't it you guys who assume that anybody carrying a weapon is just begging for a reason to murder somebody? Isn't it Unclebuck who makes the claim, over and over, that all he has to do is sucker somebody into hitting him with a love-tap so he can then pull out his hand-cannon and kill them legally? My experience with gun-phobes is that they get all nervous and fidgety at the first sight of a gun and most of them know absolutely about guns or shooting. All of this despite the fact that studies show that violent crime decreases in places that have SYG laws?
I think the judge said having two passports was like losing a driver's license, replacing it, and then finding the old one. It didn't influence his decision, it was based solely on lying about his resources.At a hearing today the judge revoked Zimmerman's bond and he must report to authorities within 48 hours. The reasons are that he had two passports and only turned in one of them, and also claimed to be indigent at his bond hearing when in fact he had over $130k that was raised on his website. He outright lied about it, and they have recordings from jail where he talked about it with family.
If he was home banging his wife it wouldn't have happened? While true, it doesn't assign blame to anyone. That's like saying if Martin hadn't gone to the store it wouldn't have happened so you blame him.Because you said "Can't say I blame him" I thought you should be reminded ( or others) how it all could have been avoided. So yup I do blame him.
martin didn't go out of his way to profile and chase anyone.If he was home banging his wife it wouldn't have happened? While true, it doesn't assign blame to anyone. That's like saying if Martin hadn't gone to the store it wouldn't have happened so you blame him.
So, not really knowing the truth of what happened, you've decided to be the executioner? Would that make you worse than you claim Zimmerman was?Zimmerman is a piece of shit. hope for his sake we never cross paths
Zimmerman has been proven to be a liar time and again, yet you claim his account of what happened is truthful?So, not really knowing the truth of what happened, you've decided to be the executioner? Would that make you worse than you claim Zimmerman was?
You do look a little foolish, if that's really a picture of you.lmao thanks now the real zimmerfenders can sleep easy. but really black or white i dress, talk, and walk, maybe a little thuggish but id be the last mutherfucker you ever caught breaking into your home or some bullshit like that. this just a classic case of profiling. and black or white could happen to any of our "thuggish" youths
Really? All the beatings, murders, lynchings, etc. = all bark, no bite? Don't underestimate the power of hate (groups).the black panthers have no muscle...ain't nobody running from those clowns..just like the kkk or another hate group..all bark no bite... this is good news because i hate zimmerman and think he needs to be convicted of manslaughter and never own a gun in the future.
I don't see much discussion of growing in this forum (Politics).I don't get it, why would you be here if you don't in some fashion either consume or cultivate cannabis? Is this some form of sexual erotica to you???? Kinda like going to a AA meeting when your allergic to alcohol and don't drink....why would ya? Like jerking off feverishly , just to not blow a nut, whhhhyy would ya????? Like taking a tire off your car thats perfectly good, and throwing the spare on......whyy would ya???? I guess its like going to the drive in as a blind man.....u can hear it, and just imagine![]()
I'm sure it would be pretty easy for LEA to monitor this site. They probably are right now. Don't post anything incriminating, your picture, anything that identifies you or your location. If you're not using a relay, or used a email address to register that can be traced to you, you're really easy to be identified. Even if you are a "legal" grower, you're still committing a federal crime. A felony, then fuck JoC too, but at least I know why he's here. Some people say shit that makes me wonder if there are rats here on RIU. don't see much discussion of growing in this forum (Politics).
and not knowing what happened, you've decided to crown him as a saint?So, not really knowing the truth of what happened, you've decided to be the executioner?
Lately, the service hasn't been so awesome. That's why I started growing!I love the way "medicinal people" rag on pot dealers like they're all little Hitlers or something. Newsflash you arrogant pricks, the 99% of people who don't have MMJ legislation...would you believe we actually have to buy our weed off said dealers when we run out of our own. If anything, pot dealers provide an awesome service, leave them the fuck alone.
There is no evidence Zimmerman is a racist. You're saying he committed a crime because he's racist and he's racist because he committed a crime. Circular logic.Ahem....and now the reason I came to this thread. Zimmerman. I notice nobody has mentioned the duplicate passports? That should prove to be a huge incentive for the Feds to get involved. If you lose a passport or have one stolen (twice, for me), it's a big deal. The paperwork to get a duplicate is lengthy and you promise to immediately return any passport reported lost if it is later found. Zimmerman knowingly turned in the passport about to expire, kept the one that was valid until 2014, and talked about it with his wife. Not only a racist, but a dumb racist. But...that's redundant, right? Also seems the wife should be looking at some sort of accessory or conspiracy (speak of the devil) charges that should end any nursing career aspirations. Talking in code they'd watched on Law & Order was especially heartwarming. Zimmerman had a special sense of entitlement because daddy was a magistrate (not a lawyer, nor likely not even a college graduate) which is an interesting Southern good ole boy form of justice. Happily, he's now pissed off a guy who wears a black dress to work who also bothered to go to law school. Perjury is the tip of the iceberg, and this guy has embarrassed or infuriated enough people in law enforcement and government that he has no sympathy at this point, probably not even from his own counsel. This guy is a shining example of why America is looked at sideways by the rest of the planet. This is only going to get better.
Get real, harrekin has always been an UncleButt cheerleader.better late than never harrekin..welcome aboard
what about his myspace page?There is no evidence Zimmerman is a racist.
you have just proven yourself as a complete idiot to anyone who is aware of their surroundings.Get real, harrekin has always been an UncleButt cheerleader.
Another one. Damn, you guys PM each other and plot this? See my sig.Glad to see you are now awake and using some commonsense.
Facts you present, while true, do not prove who assaulted who. One can still be neutral based on factual evidence presented so far. If you want to include falsified evidence presented by NBC (ABC?) then it is a different story. Why would a major network falsify video and audio tape? This should be a criminal offense, regardless of whose side you're on.Lets see Zimmerman followed Trayvon----Zimmerman got out of his car to follow Trayvon---Zimmerman told not needed to follow----but yet you still have it 50/50... dude stop the BS and at least be a man and say you support Zimmerman 100%. We see you for what you are.