eye exaggerate
Well-Known Member
To me science and religion, religion being record of popular spirituality, are two points of the "strange loop" or "tangled hierarchy" of the mind. This would partly explain why neither fully explains things but taken together they can provide a much clearer picture of the history and existence of humanity and even the nature of matter as a whole. Science misses the whole because, by its very nature, it only acknowledges the predictable and therefore provable and mostly ignores the abstract. Thst's why science will never explain the evolution of mind which ironically includes the very thing that makes most scientific advancement possible; imagination.
Religion on the other hand disregards most logical reasoning or provable fact but, taken in context, is an excellent record of the evolution of human psychology.
I could go on and on
That's just the issue, thanks for bringing this up. Human psychology is at the heart of religion and spirituality. Since consciousness and psyche are (obviously) interrelated, giving it a quality or quantity is like a fish describing the water it is swimming in. I think it was Einstein that said something of that nature, and I agree with that idea. He, as far as I know, was a panentheist.