Zeitgeist: News, Politics, Pandemic and Trump

Notice any difference between Trump and Obama, I'd listen to this very smart man
Former CIA Director: Is Donald Trump ‘Capable’ Of Putting Country First? | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Former CIA Director John Brennan, who has handled national crises throughout his career, joins Andrea Mitchell with his perspective on the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak. Aired on 03/09/20.
Im curious how much of Trump's responses to this is due to his not wanting his resorts to lose revenue from people deciding to stay at home.
The cockroach palaces will suffer, maybe he'll change course on the G-7 meeting and hold it at Doral after all, in the middle of a pandemic...
Wait until the local officials quarantine Mar Logo after testing gets rolling! Holding rallies is gonna be an issue too.
Two lawmakers who made contact with Trump self-quarantine

Two more members of Congress -- including one who recently shook President Donald Trump's hand and another who rode on Air Force One -- have announced that they will self-quarantine after coming into contact with an individual who has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.

Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida are now the third and fourth congressmen to take the step, following the same announcements from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona
An interesting poll, well see how those numbers change in a few weeks and especially after the oversight hearings into the botched response.
CNN polled Americans about coronavirus. Here's what they said

CNN's David Chalian breaks down a CNN poll in which Americans were asked how they feel about coronavirus and the Trump administration's response to it.
Looks like this thing has been going for much longer than they are saying. Chinese said December then I read reports about the beginning of November,the latest say the beginning of Oct. I saw a article with some graphs about a severe flu like illness that was testing negative for the flu. They have been saying it's a particular severe flu season and deaths are up but it's looking like some of that may be the corona virus. I'll try to find those articles again. They are also saying that some people may go close to a month 24 to 27 days before showing symptoms, that's really bad.
The house and the senate will want to see it ASAP, this one will be different Captain, it might not start out that way, but it will end that way. I have a feeling this will end up being very bad in America, tragic. So do you and anybody else with a brain who knows the facts and has a clear head. The experts are starting to become frantic, prophets of doom, warning. Most of the public is not taking this too seriously where I live, but we have confidence in the government, they soon will though. There are no cases in Nova Scotia, yet, there are plenty of elderly in this province too, many of the young folks went west along with their taxes. Preparations are being made and we have a bit of time, I hope.
Yeah it's looking like it's been spreading a lot longer than they will admit to and part of the severe flu season deaths are looking like corona, high instance of severe flu like virus that tests negative for flu. The Woz was ill in late December after returning from China, said it was the worst flu he's ever had and his wife was coughing up blood.
Yeah it's looking like it's been spreading a lot longer than they will admit to and part of the severe flu season deaths are looking like corona, high instance of severe flu like virus that tests negative for flu. The Woz was ill in late December after returning from China, said it was the worst flu he's ever had and his wife was coughing up blood.
Wait until they start testing, the numbers will scare the shit out of everybody and parts of the country might shut down like Italy. You'll see drive thru testing in a month and reception centers for testing and coronavirus reception. Only an idiot would get on a plane if they had health issues and mass events will be closed, all the trumpers will be on cruises, in a couple of months the whole fucking nation will be like a cruise ship.
Yeah it's looking like it's been spreading a lot longer than they will admit to and part of the severe flu season deaths are looking like corona, high instance of severe flu like virus that tests negative for flu. The Woz was ill in late December after returning from China, said it was the worst flu he's ever had and his wife was coughing up blood.
I wonder if they can test to see if you had it and are immune, these people would be valuable volunteers to help the sick and work at reception centers etc.
Just PMed it to Foggy, in case he misses it, he's at ground zero and is concerned.
I got it, and thanks.

But really, once at the stage we are in here in the PNW, statistics stop mattering. It gets personal. Nobody close to me has caught it yet but it's just a matter of time. I put in a winter garden this year and that turns out to be a master stroke. The fresh vegetables will come from there if we get locked down. It's like that now. what's close to home matters a lot more than those reports. They were useful in telling me to get ready. Now that the storm is upon us, its time to fight for the ship. I wish we had a president who could see a report like that and not take it personal. .
President Trump Golfs While Markets Tumble And Health Officials Rush To Produce Coronavirus Tests

Instead of leading U.S. efforts to combat the Coronavirus and calm our jittery financial markets, President Trump spent the weekend golfing in Florida.