Zeitgeist: News, Politics, Pandemic and Trump

A topic to discuss, opinions welcome.
The Coronavirus epidemic is coming, like it or not, ready or not and if the experience of other countries is anything to go by dramatic public health measures will be required to slow the spread. One of those measures might be a ban on mass public meetings like Trump rallies that would be implemented by state and local governments. This in my opinion would cause serious problems for the Trump campaign, but also cause Donald emotional distress, choke his out flow of disinformation, deiny him emotional support and the adulation of the crowds.

So if Donald wanted to hold a rally in a red state where he could twist the arms of the local political hacks, he most likely would. The best predictor of future behavior is past performance and we all know what that means, RALLY TIME! Unfortunately for those who attend it might be reality time, including for Donald. It would be funny seeing him on TV at a rally in an orange hazmat suit trying to speak into a microphone through a full face respirator, fear of catching the bug himself would be the only thing stopping him from doing it. But Donald is pretty stupid when it comes to most things, like judgement and heeding advice from experts, so I figure the odds of it happening are 50/50.
Sooner or later there will be a Trumper on a TV interview at a rally with a milder form of the illness saying," I got it right now (git the media) and I feel fine, it ain't no big deal, like the president says..." Who knows, Trump might see it on TV then order Pence to present him with a medal and hang it around his fucking neck while he's crawling with the virus.
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Time will heal this wound..
Yea right.
My wounds started with Nixon when I was 16, and I told myself then it can't get worse
Next wound, Ford.
Next wound was Reagan, and figured after Iran/Contra, he would be fucked, but nope, they named airports & ships after that Alzheimer's infected fuck who now is considered a God by the GOP.
Then we got GW Bush, that imbecile, whom after that total BS Iraqi invasion & completely fucking up the ME & directly causing the meltdown of the US economy and I thought nothing could get worse.
But then, low & behold, we got Trump.
So, what can possibly be worse than Trump?
Well, just wait & see because if history is any measure, yes, the fucking idiots in this country that vote Pub will somehow, someway make it fucking even worse, and that is a scary thought for the future of this country & the entire planet.
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You mean the same CDC he gutted because Obama gave it a priority & he fired everyone?
That one?
Yeah, THAT CDC, the one that Obama ensured was well staffed and Trump cut because, well, because he's famous for pushing the risk onto his financial prey. "You eat what you kill". So the saying goes.

The quote you cited is a bit misleading. I don't think you were manipulating my message but others have been less than honest lately. So, I'll just put up my entire post:

Trump in 2007: ‘I’m Excited’ for Housing Market Crash

Once again, Trump makes bank. He'll crow about this crisis too because, as he says, CDC is overstating the epidemic. He'll be fine playing golf with his other 1%ers at Mar al Lago at our expense. Maybe he'll visit Li Jin Pin who reportedly is in isolation too.
Lawmakers react after coronavirus briefing: 'I do not think we're prepared'

Washington (CNN)House lawmakers emerged from a briefing on coronavirus on Friday with Democrats saying that the country is not prepared to deal with the public health threat, while Republicans were less critical but still said that more needs to be done to combat the spread of the disease.
"This is potentially an enormous issue for the country and I do not think we're prepared," Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a Democratic Judiciary Committee member, said as she left the full House member coronavirus briefing.
LIVE UPDATES: Coronavirus spreads to more countries as markets take historic tumble
The Washington congresswoman said they're unprepared "on multiple levels," including on the local level as well as when it comes to resources like masks, testing kits and the possibility of quarantines.

"If this were to really become a serious epidemic in the country, you know, how do we deal with quarantine and isolation?" she asked.
Rep. Fred Upton, a Republican from Michigan, said he thinks "everyone is scrambling for information," and members are frustrated about not getting a lot of their questions answered.
He added, "it needs to be all hands on deck. ... There's a lot of work that has to be done."
Friday morning's briefing for House lawmakers got off to a rocky start with a room that was far too small -- the room only had 50 chairs set up in it -- a situation that prompted complaints from some lawmakers. Members later moved en-masse to a larger room down the hall.

Pence is leading the coronavirus response but he's still heading to Florida to fundraise

"We've got a group of experts sitting at a table. It's 8 o'clock in the morning. They cramped us in little rooms," GOP Rep. Paul Mitchell of Michigan said.
In recent days, Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill have expressed alarm over the outbreak and have raised questions about how prepared the United States government is to combat the virus.
Congressional appropriations are now working to determine the details and top-line numbers of an emergency coronavirus funding package in an effort to deal with the public health threat.
I'ma hit Costco again today......money is no good if there isn't any food on the shelf to buy....
California is a hotspot for infection, I figure Trump will withhold help and funding in blue states for revenge, he's stupid like that. Steven Miller is probably busy trying to figure out how to infect people held at the border, the unprotected government workers they had meet the quarantined people work in that department, no training at all, went home, back to work and into communities all over the country.
Republican lawmakers are now like the Mayor on the beach in Jaws telling everyone the water is fine....
Some are taking it seriously, they will soon feel the heat from their constituents and know it, Trump fucked this up and they have to move fast to survive, they have his stink on themselves now and his fuck ups are their fuck ups. The government is hollowed out and many important positions were eliminated, still not filled, or filled by temps in Donald's revolving door of a cabinet, increasing filled with temporary lackeys and yes men.