Youtube channel testing some leds and more


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am not sure if this is the best place to post, but I started a youtube channel. I am going to do some reviews and light testing side by side growing in a tent. I am talking with a few light companies to see if they are going to participate.
I already did a couple videos so go check them out, and subscribe. The more likes and views and subscibers I have the better stuff I can test and maybe have giveaways in the future. I plan on putting stuff up pretty often once I get more equipment to try.
If there are any ideas you have for me or suggestions please speak up. The videos will get better as I go.
heres a lnk to a video, check the channel andd there will be more soon..

Good idea, but not new...
You should not test these outdated mars lights, it's wasted energy and you'll not get as many subscribers you maybe think.
Better compare them with some of the new bleeding edge stuff used here in the forum (like Quantumboards, COB units or other quality brands, like Timber, ChillLED, HLG, ...) to show others how they perform in truth.
This could prevent others not to waste their money on outdated shitty technic.

Tent tests are always welcome .. you could make a quick burning test to make sure there is no PVC in the material("mylar" parts should burn without a green corona around the flame. If it's green it's cheapo PVC).
I doubted my skills and first thought of bleaching or calmag defizite, because it looks very similar and it always occurred only when I turned the light up to her maximum. But then one day I noticed that the PVC started to stink when it reached temperatures above 75°F. One week later, again all plants were yellow, stopped growth, and died painfully from plasticizer poisoning.
So, tent material tests are one of the most importent things to me.
(If you interested to do so, there is a usefull wiki to burning tests of different plastics like PE, PVC and so on)
I wouldn't know. No idea which tents would exude chemicals, if at all.

To be honest I don't believe much in the "my plants are poisioned" stories. I have grown plants in particle board boxes on glued things still reeking. I noted at worst a small deterioration in the plants, but they always recovered and were fine after.
those plants have been in that tent in the video for a little over three weeks from seed. The tent is brand new as well. There isnt really and smell other than dirt and dope.
I am using what lights I am given for testing, if cobkits or timber or any other people want to send some they can let me know nd I would be happy to test them. I dont have the cash to do that right nkw. I m doing a sponsored light test to try to start it off.
I contacted mars, meizhi, kind, a coule cob light companies, advanced led and a couple more.I didnt really figure thekit sellers would want to test with lower wtt led, if they do the more the merrier. I know a guy could test cobs against 1000w hps in a room, the room is bigger than the 1k light will cover. perfect place for a side by side, he would let me video it as well.
we will see what we get to test. If te channel gets big enough I plan to do giveaways later on.
Lights arent all I will be trying out. stay tuned in the weeks to come.
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I wouldn't know. No idea which tents would exude chemicals, if at all.

To be honest I don't believe much in the "my plants are poisioned" stories. I have grown plants in particle board boxes on glued things still reeking. I noted at worst a small deterioration in the plants, but they always recovered and were fine after.

When I buy tents I open them up and lay them outside for a couple days flipping them daily
If the material would poison I assume it would have shown by now correct? The tent was set up for three days with fans on empty prior to anything being put in it.
Thanks for any interest in what is going on right now, keep the views coming in on those videos, I will be putting one up probably every week or two for a bit and maybe more when I get more products and equipment to showcase and review.
I still have to add channel art and such but it is just new, so it will all come together and hopefully become popular.
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they bassically are sending lights to be tested, I am not in any way bias towards any certain brands makes or models. I am just going to explain my own personal experience and thoughts on everything I do. The space and anything in it growing has no conection to any sponsors. I only used the word 'sponsor' because they provide a free light to test and show my results and thoughts. some will probably have to be sent back after tests.
If I was to buy all the lights it would cost thousands, and I am not doing that, if I wanted to just video grows I would buy one kind or build, but I am interested in showing comparrison results.
so this is independant, just my idea. Any companies are jst willing to provide a light to test free so they are sure their products will stand up to testing. we will see hopefully.
wietefras: 638180 said:
I wouldn't know. No idea which tents would exude chemicals, if at all.

To be honest I don't believe much in the "my plants are poisioned" stories. I have grown plants in particle board boxes on glued things still reeking. I noted at worst a small deterioration in the plants, but they always recovered and were fine after.

I'm not a first time breeder and have checked all other possibilities.
Unfortunately I have no pictures to show but I've removed the tent and replaced it with a new one and finaly the issues are completely gone. Same parameters like ever, same dirt, same light, same nutes so it must be the tent material in these case.

I heard the problems with toxic plasticizers the first time in the late 80s, but did not think nearly 40 years later, still the same ruthless profiteers sell their poisonous shit...(Model: Culturelux gt2014pro)
If I could I would sue them, but unfortunately our law does not allow this step!

Edit: found a few pics from latest december, but only thumbnails so bad resolution and quality. But problems are totally gone now and I've nothing changed except the tent.

Sorry for highjacking your thread. Solved, subject closed!


  • start, intensity 20.000lx, 32inch from canopy, so it's not bleeching.jpg
    start, intensity 20.000lx, 32inch from canopy, so it's not bleeching.jpg
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  • progess, 1 week later.jpg
    progess, 1 week later.jpg
    14.2 KB · Views: 9
  • died, no further growth.jpg
    died, no further growth.jpg
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Thats ok, not hjacking. I dont mind useful information being put on a thread I started. Besides thats what this thread is for, testing growing equipment and products. I just started the channel to show it what I am doing.
The tent in the video seems to be fine, and I am still working on getting a couple more lights. meizhi is out as they want theirs as solo testing. maybe later. Advanced led and amare and kind are my big three, I got ahold of mars as well but think they are out but I have reflectors available for use.
Any ideas you guys have or info to add go for it.
Great idea but please don't take this as me being a dick this is just an honest question. What experience do you have as a grower? What qualifies you do run legit tests on different products? What testing equipment do you have to test light output, PAR, lm/w, ppfd etc? How will you set up your control plants and your test plants? Will the plants all be clones? Will they be in different tents? In the video you linked to your first post it says that those plants are not even your own.

Sorry for all the questions it's just that there are a million YouTube videos already out there from well trusted industry leading users. What logged data will be any different from those already out there? I just get this weird vibe from your posts. Saying you are a poor guy without money to buy lights begging companies to send you free stuff(which you have repeatedly stated) to test on plants that are not even your own grow puts a bad taste in my mouth.
ok, I have grown different plants of all kinds from fruit,dope, houseplants fruit trees and more. I have been growing everything mostly organic for 20+ years and The person whom you ask about has been growing marijuana for over fourty and for fifteen with a grow license, which is eligable for commercial. Anyone can pick up a lux maeter or par meter and test with them.
I want to do a test in a tent with plants of the same type with different lights coverring their intended footprint and see how they do side by side. I first grew indoors with cfl lights with no outside knowledge and figured out on my own what colors to use and how many and that was years ago. I want to try multiple plants besides marijuana like watermelon and other fruit and veggies.
If you do not like the thread or channel that is your opinionandyoubare entitled to it. hopefully what I am going to do is interresting to some others. And yes I asked for test lights, and some of which have to be sent back, most places would like me to purchase them with a discount. I dont care if they are new, they could be returns or refurbs as longas theybare up to company standards.
I can controll humidity and temperature as well as co2 and plant feedings. I assumed the light companies would not mind their products being showcased in such videos as it would raise awareness to their product and brand. I have read and heard alot of people who say the led lights of this type dont produce like some others so I would like to see and showhe results.
Thanks for reading and sorry it is so long.
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Don't mind too much about it. Everyone starts small!
But have a look at the sound quality... Maybe you should invest in a good microphone to eliminate ambient noise.
Makes it alot easier to listen and the master youtuber's(Lol!) will confirm thats one of the most important things.
Maybe try to reach others via comments and get some tips for a good start of a successful YT channel.
I'm sure there are also some apps with alot of useful info's for Image and sound processing / optimization
avaiable in googles playstore.
Thank for the input. The fans were running so I suppose I could shut them down while filming. I plan on working on the quality of the videos to make them better, probably come up with a logo and maybe add music sometime to the starts and ends. Just a learning process.
thats all fine and dandy and def helps views, but content content content. it has to be relevant and i dont know anybody who knows anything about LED tuning in to watch a mars grow in 2017. unless its demonstrating some new tech, new method, or good side by sides vs known performers, its been done to death
I am hoping to get a kind k5 to test, also another has opted out for now as they feel they dont have to prove it. Yes side by side is what I want to do. Originally I was going to try cobs against others, but My funds got depleted pretty fast. I know cobs have the output, but I am doing what I can. In the future a cob vs ?? side byside is planned but for now funds are too low. I would go through you or some other kit guys but here in canada the duty would kill. I would prob be better off buying pieces myself.
content is coming, c'mon guys I just started thjs thre days ago.. content.. I have tk have time.... definately nobody is gonn tune in if they dont even see a difference in the garden from the last video.
now on the other hand there are a bunch of mars grows on youtube in the thousands and ten thosands views. sorry if yoh guys dont like it, but dont hate the idea... I did say " The videos would get better as I go" meaning better quality and more interresting content.