Your vote for


Well-Known Member
Best movie or movies of 2008. Always end up finding a few gems from the answers. Haven't seen many but IMHO the winner is...There Will be Blood. Funniest Tropic Thunder .. but Blood the best I've seen.
anyway thanks if you post. looking forward to watching some of yours


Well-Known Member
The Day The Earth Stood Still...just saw it...not the greatest acting from some of the characters & could have been a little longer, but the underlying morals in the movie are fantastic & it might help humanity if everyone saw & understood what the movie is trying to say.


Well-Known Member
hands down:

pineapple express

not that it was a great movie, but i felt the rest of the flicks to come out this year were bullshit...havent seen Burn After Reading yet though


Well-Known Member
The Day The Earth Stood Still...just saw it...not the greatest acting from some of the characters & could have been a little longer, but the underlying morals in the movie are fantastic & it might help humanity if everyone saw & understood what the movie is trying to say.
the original from the 50's.........claaaaaaasic.