your toys

where are your childhood toys

  • thrown in the trash

    Votes: 17 39.5%
  • given to charity

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • given to siblings or other family/friends

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • put in storage

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • i'm playing with them all now

    Votes: 6 14.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
when you were a child and your toy box would get over full (hopefully it did) what did you have to do with your toys? did you have to toss them? pack them up and store them? give them to siblings? pile them in the corner. just wondering. :mrgreen:

please discuss.

i have none of mine. my mom might have something hidden away but it more a momento now then a toy. we have ALL of my sons stuff boxed and stored. we have a full sized moving box full of wind-up toys alone. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I had a coupla of toys from my childhood, but when my mom died, i was iraq, and people just kept what was important to them. Wish i had a few so my kids could play with them


Well-Known Member
all my child hood memories were siezed by the company that owned the stoarage locker they were being kept in when my at that time step father got arrested for tax fraud and credit scams

i would love too be able to see all my old toys and books and im sure theres plenty of stuff that i had that i cant remember i had but if i saw it i would be like WHOOOOA I REMEMBER THIS!


Well-Known Member
i used to have star wars stuff and gi joe when i was little but i dont know what happened to all of it over the years. probably given away or thrown out. i still got my super nintendo though.


Well-Known Member
most of my shit was destroyed by yours truly i was hard on toys if i had that shit back i'd be rich original gi joe matchbox cars major matt mason wtf.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I still have on my desk a Jack in the Box called Mr Peeks. The clown that comes out is a little creepy but I still like it and I can't help but smile when that little guy pops out. All my kids and my grandchild also like Mr Peeks. When I die they will fight over him. I think that is all I have left from my childhood.


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say that too. i destroyed a lot of my toys over the years.
i had the original gi joe apollo set with the tin foil lookin space suit he nearly reached orbit but wound up in the telephone lines on re entry he might still be there


Well-Known Member
They were either given to charity or other people younger kids. I finally gave away all my Hot Wheels to the little boy who lives next door. (I have a great relationship with my next door neighbors, I would not want to live next door to ANYONE else)


Well-Known Member
i think i would have to put them in a box or throw them away:neutral: kinda sad lol. + rep for a good thread:mrgreen: now how about we post pics of the toys:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
sadly i had alot of childhood toys i use to just have hanging around in my closet, but after i moved out of my parents house i got rid of them all, :( and i wish i never did, i had alot of cool shit :)


Well-Known Member
I can't even remember my childhood just small parts of it but for the most part I draw a blank when I try to remember. I know it was stressful and I had toys but I don't have any of them left. I have lost everything I own twice so far, I've only been able to hold onto a few things. They are my music, ,my guitar, grow equipment, my backpacking stuff, my two hand made japanese chef knifes, and my surfboard. I guess I am a traveling, weed growing,surfer, chef, music lover! :mrgreen:
Everything is always changing I'm just trying to go with the flow . . .


Active Member
what wasn't destroyed in the great fire of 88 in my childhod home, was not worth keepng anyway....all my legos, my star wars action figures comlpete with deathstar that had a compacting trash room, even my wet willy and slipnslide outdoor sprinkler we used to run through got destroyed. My parents weren't cheap, but after that I remember them deliberately not replacing an of it, instead I started receiving a lot of sweaters and books as gifts.

I guess I have a few things though now that I think real hard, cause I just remembered my Don Drysdale rookie with smoke cards I still got those....including garbage pail kids first edition....and I know I have matchbox cars but have know idea where they are at.


Well-Known Member
Vette you're lucky... I had about 5 Lionel engines and 16 cars... I saw on antiques roadshow an engine was valued at $5,000..... I had johnny 7, secret sam ... all the classics........


Well-Known Member
if you have any pics i'd love to see them. :)

if i open my storage door to take pics of my sons 13 worth of toys, and he catches me, it's gonna get ugly. lol. he tries to sneak in there a lot. he'll pulling them all out in 10 mins if we let him, then walk away leaving them scattered. :) :)