Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

Well if I had a choice between a GMO veggie and a regular veggie, i'll take the regular veggie~ But if someone wants GMO veggie, I got no problems with that, its their choice~

People are starving because of human greed.., why should I give up my comfy lifestyle filled with all these nice expensive "things", just to feed some people who aren't as fortunate as I.. catch my drift ;) It sucks --but that is what reality currently is...
Very soon monsanto will control agriculture world wide!
Control the food control the people
just another example of corporate greed allowed by our government
I think it's a shame......the damage caused by consuming GMO foods is yet to be realized by the average consumer as well as the damage it has caused and the cascading effect it will have in the long term on our enviornment
So Far in this thread ive kinda of been against the GMO Food im going to try and take a step back from that and ask a Question ... So if we could change the DNA of plant to do anything we would like it to do say way ahead distant future .. What would be are over all goal ? what would we call the perfect plant that no longer needs modifying ?

i mean is there such a thing as perfect? i imagine we will find about 100 ways to make 1 thing perfect for many things. we do this without gene modifications already. the goal would be to make a "perfect" plant for each scenario required, so the goal would be the ability to build the customs organism at will.
I get what poly is saying, if we can create specific GMO plants to answer certain key problems (like the planet's current/future food shortages) --I'm all for it~

BUT.. I'm not sure if these faceless corporations are actually applying the "correct sciences" (or doing all they can) to ensure the safety of future generations to come.., they are in it for the wealth & power.. and could give 2shits about us... but maybe I'm also wrong for assuming all corporations are like that~ can't really blame me for thinking that way from all the blatant BS that we have seen from MOST corps~
People really do starve in this world due to circumstances outside of their control. Try a little compassion for once.

Let me tell you about 'compassion'. My wife's physical therapist has a highly educated son (about to finish his MD degree) that works for the non profit group 'Doctors Without Borders' in Africa (under the worst of living conditions, he's just a devout, caring Christian trying to do good). She shared many stories about that culture. For example..... most able body males just lay around under a tree all day doing nothing. They eat once in a while but will give up food for themselves and their children to have a cell phone.... a bicycle comes next regarding status. Having a cell is a status symbol that is considered more important that getting ahead or helping others. Her son finally was able to convince one of his African acquaintances to allow him to be his banker so he could save for something worthwhile. They (this culture) live for the moment, they don't understand the concept of "deferred gratification", the death rate is extremely high and life means nothing.

Welcome to the real world,
Very soon monsanto will control agriculture world wide!
Control the food control the people
just another example of corporate greed allowed by our government
I think it's a shame......the damage caused by consuming GMO foods is yet to be realized by the average consumer as well as the damage it has caused and the cascading effect it will have in the long term on our enviornment

Bullshit. Years ago Monsanto shared it's patents and seeds with over 250 seed companies. You're just another brain washed dude. There is no link between human health issues and a GM food that has a gene embedded enabling it to withstand the negative effects of glyphosate.

BTW, this topic has been covered under a recent thread. There is a definite lack of discipline at RIU with the membership who can't seem to do a SEARCH and the mods who leave this bullshit in <cough> "Advanced" while putting my Spin-Out thread in General Marijuana growing.

They don't call them dopers for nothing....
Which spin-out thread would that be UB?

And I agree about the topic being covered under Advanced Marijuana Cultivation :)

----no offense to billy, hehe
Because even the guy lying under that tree with his cell phone deserves to eat.
not really. I could maybe side with his kid deserving to eat. but fuck him and his cell phone.

ahh chicken little the sky is falling, over population, no food. accckkkk

theres no shortage of food.

Maybe if they ate the cows instead of drinking their period they would put on a few pounds.
the damage caused by consuming GMO foods is yet to be realized by the average consumer as well as the damage it has caused and the cascading effect it will have in the long term on our enviornment

You would think there would be a study that backs up this scary fantasy.

GMO haters are exactly like climate deniers.
Let me tell you about 'compassion'. My wife's physical therapist has a highly educated son (about to finish his MD degree) that works for the non profit group 'Doctors Without Borders' in Africa (under the worst of living conditions, he's just a devout, caring Christian trying to do good). She shared many stories about that culture. For example..... most able body males just lay around under a tree all day doing nothing. They eat once in a while but will give up food for themselves and their children to have a cell phone.... a bicycle comes next regarding status. Having a cell is a status symbol that is considered more important that getting ahead or helping others. Her son finally was able to convince one of his African acquaintances to allow him to be his banker so he could save for something worthwhile. They (this culture) live for the moment, they don't understand the concept of "deferred gratification", the death rate is extremely high and life means nothing.

Welcome to the real world,

That's only one isolated incident which you heard about second hand. That's not the reality of the world, sorry to say. Your statement also says nothing about compassion, except that I can easily infer that you seem to lack it.

While you sit there in your comfy chair, people in the real world are truly suffering; not through fault of their own either.
UB- there are a whole shitload of small farmers being sued by Monsanto because the pollen from a Monsanto-owned field was close enough to have pollinated the small farms crops. Not proven- but possible enough that Monsanto has WON some of these lawsuits over "stolen property" (their pollen) and forced the Farmers to Give up their saved-seeds for next years crops (as they now supposedly contain Monsanto genetics) AND pay Court costs, fees and fines...

One of our neighbors is going through it right now...

Yeah- Monsanto- Great people ... NOT!
That's only one isolated incident which you heard about second hand. That's not the reality of the world, sorry to say. Your statement also says nothing about compassion, except that I can easily infer that you seem to lack it.

While you sit there in your comfy chair, people in the real world are truly suffering; not through fault of their own either.

It's reality, from one that has served mankind for years. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it's not reality.

What's your reality? Finger fuckin' a keyboard from your easy chair in San Diego while chucking down greasy pizza and slurping a cheap beer?
It's reality, from one that has served mankind for years. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it's not reality.

What's your reality? Finger fuckin' a keyboard from your easy chair in San Diego while chucking down greasy pizza and slurping a cheap beer?
My reality is working 40 hours a week at the College and then another 10 to 20 hours a week with a local union as a journey card holder. That's how I feed my two kids in the most expensive state in country. And I don't live in southern California as you suggested. I also rarely drink beer at all these days. Sorry your view of reality is so narrow, but you seem to be practically blind.
My reality is working 40 hours a week at the College and then another 10 to 20 hours a week with a local union as a journey card holder. That's how I feed my two kids in the most expensive state in country. And I don't live in southern California as you suggested. I also rarely drink beer at all these days. Sorry your view of reality is so narrow, but you seem to be practically blind.

It's reality, from one that has served mankind for years. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it's not reality.

I'm not saying it's not a reality. I'm saying that it is only one small slice of reality, and that you can't in any way say that the case is the same for everyone who's starving in the world. That's simply ignorant.