Well-Known Member

utif we weren't meant to mess with nature why did we evolve thumbs?
just because normally evolution takes billions of years doesn't mean it cant occur faster, in science we call these variables. are we not the human variable? is our interaction with the universe not natural? even if it means our own destruction?
come to terms with nature and you will have come to terms with science. our "science" is just a part of nature, on a large scale you could just say humans are just groups of molecules that preforms a specific job on earth.
so our creation of GMO and everything else we have created are completely natural and a part of evolution.
to be precise we are not the only organism nor wil we be the last, to alter our environment in order to survive.
So--- Tomatoes altered with the DNA from arctic fish is just nature 'sped-up" ?
Sorry- but I haven't seen that many tomatoes swimming upstream to spawn lately!
Chemicals and F***ing with genetics between species etc... IMO-- not kewl, not natural, and we will not know the extent of the damage for a couple generations...
Just like DDT/DES etc... they think it's safe until the people effected by it start having babies with severe defects, or having weird types of cancers.....
it is possible that both fish and tomatoe have the same origin DNA. but essentially yes nature sped up. the damage in further generations? hmmm, well the damage is what the damage is that is the point of experimentation ant testing before a product is released. GMO and DNA splicing is not new, its just now hitting the market in major ways, and people are definitely over reacting. but this shit has been going on since like the 80s generations of testing has been passed.
Since the 80's... that far back eh? (F***ING Kids) Hun-- in the 70's, my friends and I were all told that it was OK to run behind the DDT trucks that went through our neighborhood every 2 weeks to spray for mosquitoes. I hated the smell, so I always hid in my room. Guess what? I and 3 others are the only "kids" from that neighborhood (over 30 kids) that are not dead or dying of cancer... I do not think that is a coincidence- since the Government has already admitted to the damage DDT does to the nervouse system, digestive system and reproductive system of ALL birds, mamals and reptiles???
And of those who do not get effects themselves- there are often 2nd-3rd generation effects-- like the sudden rise in Autism in the past 25 years.
They said the same about DES-- a drug to stop miscarriage.. that babies that weren't born severely disfigures, hermaphroditic or dead, later found themselves to be either sterile, or they themselves gave birth to deformed babies.
This after "testing" and saying it was safe or over 20 years....
GM foods sure beat starvation.