So I'll be going to the Chicago for 4 days (where I'll be needing to be up at 6am every day) in the next 2 weeks and I'm going to have a really hard time getting to sleep as I can't bring any weed over the border (yes i'm Canadian) and I smoke or vape weed every night to help me sleep. So my solution was going to be make some edibles that wouldn't attract the border ppl and would help me sleep for work the next morning. It sux but I had to go off weed for about 5 days before/after surgery and I couldn't get to sleep til 3am each night :\
So after that long explanation haha any suggestions of edibles that could help you sleep? I wanted to stay away from brownies and other high sugar foods as it will likely keep me up. At the same time I've had trouble eating some pot brownies before because the weed extract oil i made was very strong tasting and made the brownies hard to go down. I don't know if the only solution would be to use less oil which would then mean less of a high cause that would suck
Thanks again for the help, I'm really new when it comes to edibles
So after that long explanation haha any suggestions of edibles that could help you sleep? I wanted to stay away from brownies and other high sugar foods as it will likely keep me up. At the same time I've had trouble eating some pot brownies before because the weed extract oil i made was very strong tasting and made the brownies hard to go down. I don't know if the only solution would be to use less oil which would then mean less of a high cause that would suck
Thanks again for the help, I'm really new when it comes to edibles