Well-Known Member
yes, I am a mobile store front.! In my county, delivery services are legal but store fronts are not. I am working on the website as we speak. I was just thinking of a way to maximize the business as far as revenue. ! Just thinking of the name..
I like CCM personally.. would be a good one to play around with in Photoshop:
BuzdWhats up guys, I'm starting a business selling mmj related products and equipment and i'm having trouble trying to come up with a catchy name. I believe your "brand" or name is the most important part of your business 2nd to your product, your name or brand speaks volume alone. I was wondering if I could get some help from you guys on creating a branding name. If you would like to throw a name out there feel free , I would truly appreciate it. !!
I was aiming for a one word name that has a VAGUE relationship to mmj for legal reasons (creating a business account) etc. They give you a hard time getting loans and bank accounts with mmj related names for a business !
Thanks again guys and gals !
Edsthread, you did that pretty fast. Do you have any experience with logo's or websites?
I will absolutely hit you up if I need help. I was thinking earlier , you put that CCM logo together pretty fast. Figured I would ask. !
Thanks for the comments guys and gals ! I appreciate all the help and advice !
If you want to be fancy with it, try... CDXX
(For those too baked, it is 420 in roman numerals)