Your latest seed purchase?

I remember you saying the same stuff in the Tony Green thread a couple of years back.
You’re forgetting the part where you apologized to Tony after harvesting the GG4 RIL.
I believe the word you used to describe the quality of the finished buds was “exceptional”.
Get your story straight or zip your lip.
Nobody wants to read about your feelings.
These aren’t the tear soaked pages of your diary.

Got him
I’m trying technical cultivars gear for the first time this next cycle. Just got a DCSE order in with GMO x Alani Skunk and it came with a Putang x Alani Skunk freebie

DCSE was 25% off for Labor Day. Couldn’t resist

Anyone else run Alani or crosses?
Just got these in the mail from AKBeanbrains. I'm excited about the 907 bluegenes that I ordered but the freebie 90's mystery blueberry is pretty exciting. Shit at this point I'm almost ordering off his list to see what kind of cool ass freebies I get. LOL I'm loving this AKBeanbrains gear! I'm really going to have to restrain myself from ordering everything on his list. Next purchase will be the SS x deep chunk/