Your girlfriend or boyfriend have the same hair color as you?


Well-Known Member
Think of all the past girlfriends you have ever had and best friends, Now think of their hair color, Do most of them have the same color hair as you? I'm not sure if its a coincidence or not, but all of my past girlfriends and best friends have black hair, same as I do. For some reason it seems that I am most compatible with other black haired people, a lot easier to develop friendships, a lot of things in common. Don't get my wrong, I still have friends with different hair colors, but it seems most of them all have black hair. I find relationships to be more comfortable with women that have dark or black hair, a lot easier to get along and relationships last much longer. I have thought that different haired people are almost like sub species of humans, a blonde haired person is completely opposite of a dark haired person. This is just what I was thinking one night stoned, I just thought it was odd the amount of black haired people that are in my life as opposed to other haired colors. What are your guys thoughts? Think there is any correlation between hair color and friendships, or more similarities between people with the same color hair? Love to hear some feedback guys. Happy toking :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Nope. However the one I've been with the majority (going on 4 years) has brown hair like me.


Well-Known Member
lol never had a bf, only just fooling around with one guy, and his hair is dark brown and eyes are blue, while my hair is orangey-red and my eyes are brown... hair color doesnt mean a thing


Well-Known Member
black, brown, blonde, red and white? Are all correct hair colors, out of all of those hair colors, It seems I am only mostly compatible with dark or black hair. All of my long term relationships with women have been black hair. I just find women with opposite hair colors than me is more difficult finding things in common, even simple things like keeping a conversation going or finding things to do during the day, We wont share the same interests.