Your Favorite American Piss Water Beer?


Well-Known Member
if i had to choose one macro brew (piss water American, of course) I'd have to go with Budweiser or Bud light if Im tryin to limit the calories or slam em' pretty fast, but it doesnt have much flavor. Coors light sucks. Coors (regular) and miller lite are ok. If you wanna go cheap beers then Keystone>PBR>natural light


Active Member
When I got cheap and large quantities It's Busch Light. A step up from that I'll be drinking miller light. A step of from that is Yuengling. Also AmberBoch is a good alternative to Yuengling. Favorite beer comes from Canada, Moosehead


Well-Known Member
piss beer? that means: bud, miller, michelob, natty ice, milwakees best, coors, busch..

people said sam adams, blue moon, sierra nevada... those aren't piss...
i wouldn't opt for them in a bar where they offer imports but i would much prefer them over a true piss beer.

for piss beer, i don't care. i will have any. they all taste the same. bud tastes sweetened which i really hate. i prefer coors to bud.

i don't particularly like a pilsners AT ALL. i like ales and wheat, even a stout

corona is really bad for me too. it tastes awful.

i used to bartend and i never understood people drinking piss beers.