Your break from weed


Well-Known Member
So here is the deal.
I've been off the buds for four months, going on five now.
I have been an all day - everyday smoker for 8 years with no breaks what so ever.
I needed to take a drugtest for a promotion at my job and didn't want to let my family down so I made the decision to stop for a month. Man I shit you not it was hard the first week. After the drugtest I just kept going figuring if im going to give my brain a break I might as well keep going. I felt as if I was getting dumb from my excesive use. Even if I didn't want to admit it , it was becoming increasingly harder to get shit done efficiently when I've been on a 8 year long high. Lol. I also felt like I wasn't getting the propper sleep. You know...that good REM sleep I hear about. Instead I was smoking myself to sleep everynight and woke up tired everyday. Rolled a blunt. And smoked throughout the day until night time. Don't get me wrong I always held down a job and got shit done but just not to the best of my abilities.

So have any of you guys ever had to take long breaks? Did you find it beneficial? Waste of time?

My birthday is in a couple days and I'm going to be smoking some fine buds and honestly can't wait. Will be approaching things a little differently this go around and respect the plant more than ever.
So here is the deal.
I've been off the buds for four months, going on five now.
I have been an all day - everyday smoker for 8 years with no breaks what so ever.
I needed to take a drugtest for a promotion at my job and didn't want to let my family down so I made the decision to stop for a month. Man I shit you not it was hard the first week. After the drugtest I just kept going figuring if im going to give my brain a break I might as well keep going. I felt as if I was getting dumb from my excesive use. Even if I didn't want to admit it , it was becoming increasingly harder to get shit done efficiently when I've been on a 8 year long high. Lol. I also felt like I wasn't getting the propper sleep. You know...that good REM sleep I hear about. Instead I was smoking myself to sleep everynight and woke up tired everyday. Rolled a blunt. And smoked throughout the day until night time. Don't get me wrong I always held down a job and got shit done but just not to the best of my abilities.

So have any of you guys ever had to take long breaks? Did you find it beneficial? Waste of time?

My birthday is in a couple days and I'm going to be smoking some fine buds and honestly can't wait. Will be approaching things a little differently this go around and respect the plant more than ever.

I hardly ever smoke I used to be be every day smoker to...just kinda got tired of it all the Im more of a three times a month guy..It is good to smoke lightly or with friends, you will defanitly notice a weed hangover if you smoke for a weekend then go back to work you will be a little slow especially if your job is brain intensive........All things are good in moderation.. but EVERYTHING will fuck with you if you over do it...even food...thats how I feel about weed now in moderation its a good thing
I'm exactly the same as you ...Admin here is wondering if I live on this site ( I do) lol.. I'm up for my annual medical next month, and its the ex that does it, I work for an airline ...sometimes, as much as she hates me shes honest, so won't cook the books, like she used too so I have my thc free holiday every year and use a month off, get get that shit outta my fat...there was a lot of fat, but yes I like to toke to sleep well, and haven't slept well since I've been off, another 2 weeks or so to go for me,
but I urge myself to control my compulsion, and maybe promise once I'm back to only toke on days with a "T" in the name rather than the previous "Y" in the name us when you toke again ..."V"
I don't smoke much flower anymore, but dabbing now that's a whole another ball game :D

But yea I take breaks from time to time, really to me I don't notice a difference, actually prefer to smoke everyday as if I don't my bipolar gets the best of me. Some people can do it some can't, and that's cool with me.

I love to get high but I love what the plant does for me even more!
Looks familiar! I just had to take a drug test today and only knew a week early. Luckily I am not an avid smoker because it does not take much at all to get me so high that I am thinking about amazing guitar riffs and a squirtle eating a squirrel inside of galaxy guts.
I believe I passed it, I fuckin hope so! I went through many detox methods.

I too get 'weed hangovers'. I probably smoke 3 - 20 times a week. That's a big difference but it just depends on who I am around.
I don't like that tired feeling, I have felt much more energized during breaks, and remembering dreams is an amazing thing!
its always a good idea to have a drug kit at test yourself if you are freaking out some,
pick one up next time you oder from your grow store
I have taken breaks a few times over the years. It always seems to be after about 2 weeks clean, there is a haze that lifts off my brain. I am one of the first to say that MJ has an effect on your sharpness.
I always take a break between harvests, but only cause I smoke/share more than I can reasonably grow at one time. It's good though.

I used to think smoking a lot (I do, when I can) was making me stupid and clumsy. Turns out it's just me, not the cannabis. Old age, I guess.
Body develops a tolerance to THC -- just like most everything else. Having not smoked for years, one decent toke nearly disabled me. Day in, day out constant smoking (vaporizer) and the buzz is gone. Alcohol works the same way, body develops a tolerance.

Medical marijuana users can function just fine on a maintenance dose that puts non-users out of business.
Anybody else?

Yeah when I smoke (which is only a few tines a week at that)

I only take a few light hits till I feel good but not high

I can't stand being high it makes ne freak out too much and I can't enjoy it

But if im buzzed a feel great and just overall better and it doesn't make me groggy

Still 6 or 7 hits will get you up there but not high with my tolerance

Lately under circumstances I can't grow

But eventually surely after its legal in Florida im gonna start up again

Tbh I only like getting fucked up off of beer and zannax

I love me some zanny or narcos
I smoked last night.
Maybe .3 of some locally grown blueberry.
I am very disappointed in the experience.
I....threw up. I was boarder line tripping. I also felt high most of today. A little re-cap guys, i was a daily smoker for 8 years with no breaks. Took an almost 5 month break. Threw up from a little nug.
Idk man.
I smoked last night.
Maybe .3 of some locally grown blueberry.
I am very disappointed in the experience.
I....threw up. I was boarder line tripping. I also felt high most of today. A little re-cap guys, i was a daily smoker for 8 years with no breaks. Took an almost 5 month break. Threw up from a little nug.
Idk man.

Sounds like u had a green out
4 days off / 20 days on

Read this on a thread once.... sorry can't give credit to the poster as I forgot who it was. Feels cool repeating it though. :peace:
4 days off / 20 days on

Read this on a thread once.... sorry can't give credit to the poster as I forgot who it was. Feels cool repeating it though. :peace:

Been smoking everyday for about 7 years now, I work as a cnc machinist and noticed my maths and programming is a getting a bit lax and I have been considering taking a break.... I'm just really worried about the sleep I'll lose, for me it's no smoke no sleep.
I use to smoke a half in a day then I went cold turkey when my son was born. went 10+ years with out smoking. moved to a new area. didn't have any connections then decided to start up again. those first few tokes were 0 to baked in less time then it took to spark the lighter up. now that my son is 25. we get baked together . only smoke a few bat hits now. I hear it calling to me smoke me smoke me . I can't resist . I am giving in cough cough . I like it. smoked 2 they were small:eyesmoke: