Youngage's First Grow!


New Member
Hey guys this is my first grow and you guys don't even know how stoked I am, so hard to be patient!

so here is my tent setup thread,

Right now: i plan on getting a 4x6 tent, with a 600, or 1000watt hps lamp with cooltube or some kind of cooling. along with 2 small led lights on each side of the hid light, good idea?? these are the led's

in terms of ventilation.... i don't know shit. have not thought about it, and am now. fuck lol. my area is pretty chilly since it's the winter time, it is a steady 16~ 18 degrees Celsius. what do you guys think? i know i would need an inline fan connected to a carbon filter, but is there anyway i can connect that to my lights as well?.

this will be discussed more, later

onto the seeds!!!!!

i have 9-11 seeds,
1 cali connection: pre98 bubba
5 Barney's Farm: liberty haze
3 dutch passion: think different
2 bag seeds from some kush.

my grammar and capitalization is shit, to start so bare with me homies!

so this is what i got to start.... how does it look? :)


i really wish i took pictures of the germinating babies, but good news, i believed all 11 have cracked up and have some sign of root coming out, a large portion of them do show some rooting coming out, if not have at least cracked open.

when do you think is a good time for me to place the seedlings into the rockwool cubes?

i plan on keeping them in the rockwool, until they grow out the cube, and i can throw them directly into presoaked coco/soil mix while its in the cube correct?

and when i place them in the rockwool, should the cubes be soaked in the dilutest, 4 mix solution of the nute/ stim i have? or should i stick with straight distilled water for now?

thanks so much guys! will provide you with pictures of seedlings soon! :)

i'm seriously new to this, so any help is appreciated. and last question, i do plan on growing real frutis and vegetables, etc, is it okay/ safe to house them in the same tent as mary janes? or best to be kept separate?

cheers RIU

and thank you so much in advanced, helped me out alot along this short path so far.


New Member
so here they are 2 days later....


so... i need to control myself from checking on them too often, i know what some people mean now, its actually so fun to watch them grow, i go to work and come back and some more grows. i love it.

so i have a few layers of papertowel under the rockwool, to soak up excess moisture and to keep it humid as well.

but i am afraid i killed a few seedlings by accident..... the root tips broke off, in the second photo, the right side bottom or top cube does have a seedling with a broken root, but it is still growing(?)

and also the center column on the second photo the top cube has a broken root and i really am afraid that one won't make it.

the seeds on the left seem to be chilling in the cubes and sprout extremely slow.

what do you guys think?

i'm going to go clean my grow area now, really thoroughly to prep for the tent.

do you guys feel that a 600w in a 4x6 tent will suffice? i will later on throw in 2 7-band 30 watt or 100 watt lights for additional dankness.


New Member
so i have a problem, a huge ice storm in our area knocked the power out for 2-3 days... so my seedlins are currently sitting in a dark humid room of about 60degrees,

is that okay? or should i make an effort to move them into somewhere warm and get the light back on them?